Gritty Podcast Kifaru vs Stone Glacier

I am not a podcast type of guy, so I have never listened to him. But from his statements here, what a douche he is. The more he opens his mouth the deeper the hole he continues to dig.
There’s 3 sides to every story.

If Rokcast could host a podcast where Aron and Brian hash this out live; I bet they could make a small fortune if they charged a fee to access it.

Two guys hashing beef out live sounds about as attractive to me as any other soap opera. I really loved the early GB days with Aron. Too bad it didn't work out. Even if there was no actual bias or underlying motivations, this episode was disappointing to see from Brian. I agree with others who said there's not much to gain by this. Bad optics.

Meateater and BRO is about all I watch these days, and even then it's just an episode here or there. Too much production/hype, not enough hunting. If Robby makes any more videos hunting mulies though, count me in. No BS, just hunting. Loved it.
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I actually listened to this thing while doing chores today. Maybe he did it with certain motives but I know he was peppered with comparison questions about the switch when folks saw him using a SG. Seems a podcaster is making the right decision when they make a podcast about the topics people ask them about most. I’m not a fan of current gritty content, but that’s how I see it.

This thread and all the YouTube reactions is a good example of how Kifaru fanboys get illogical about their Kifaru gear.
Two guys hashing beef out live sounds about as attractive to me as any other soap opera. I really loved the early GB days with Aron. Too bad it didn't work out. Even if there was no actual bias or underlying motivations, this episode was dissapoitning to see from Brian. I agree other who said there's not much to gain by this. Bad optics.

Meateater and BRO is about all I watch these days, and even then it's just an episode here or there. Too much production/hype, not enough hunting. If Robby makes any more videos hunting mulies though, count me in. No BS, just hunting. Loved it.

I hate to say it, but seems like most podcasts have all had the same guests on and discussed the same topics at least a couple of times now. Consequently, there‘s not a lot of podcasts I listen to regularly anymore.

Agree with you on Robby’s muley hunting video. That’s the kind of content that inspires people in my opinion.
Here is the email that got posted yesterday. Gritty having the MTN ops guys ask Aron for money. I also figure this is how he is circumventing being "sponsored" by some of these companies. He is filtering it through MTN ops that way when he trashes company x over y and gets called out he can say no I'm not sponsored by x. He is basically using MTN ops as a front to hide his bias.View attachment 165601

Really bothers me that he called it content season. I just don’t understand going out there and doing what some of us feel is our centerfold essentially literally for monetary gain. Doesn’t that just undermine what existence in the wilds really are? The raw power and wonder that you witness when you see a bull elk bugle at 40 some yards just feels ripped off, if your only out there looking for that with money on the mind. I understand taking a camera and wanting to capture that and show the beauty of it, but purely for money seems strange. Idk content season feels weird to say.
For me, I liked GB from the start and it was my favorite podcast. Brian seemed like a normal guy and relatable. I eventually lost interest. I can’t say it was Aron’s departure, but Brian just seemed to change. Couldn’t really put my finger on it. Initially I listened to every podcast, now haven’t in some time. The original GB content was entertaining even. And I also liked that I could have it on in the car and not worry about my kids hearing certain words - he got away from that.

The move to Colorado...I wondered if that was the right move even at that time. To uproot his family. Also it felt like he dumped his long time friends and replaced them with his new cool friend.

Just recently I was telling some friends I’d like to give his podcast a go again...then saw this. Ugh. I did listen to it. maybe that’s truly how he feels, but why go there considering the history...

I just wish he could go back to the old GB
And I had no idea these companies were paying out that kind of money...wish they could just cut us a break on cost. I don’t look that hard at what they are using to inform my decisions...can’t believe that’s even in the marketing budget

having said that, anyone want to be a guest on a new podcast? 😉
I don’t think it’s illogical.
I actually listened to this thing while doing chores today. Maybe he did it with certain motives but I know he was peppered with comparison questions about the switch when folks saw him using a SG. Seems a podcaster is making the right decision when they make a podcast about the topics people ask them about most. I’m not a fan of current gritty content, but that’s how I see it.

This thread and all the YouTube reactions is a good example of how Kifaru fanboys get illogical about their Kifaru gear.

I don’t think it’s illogical. It’s the best packs on the market.
It's like high school all over again. I love me my Kifaru but I won't Mark out to them. GB lacks credibility and proves that ANYONE can do a podcast and fool people into believing he knows what he is talking about. I could give 2 shits what GB thinks about Stone Glacier or Kifaru. His opinion is as valid as my 4 year old daughters on the subject.
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Bro come o
When I first discovered GB, I thought, he doesn't deserve a platform to demonstrate hunting, gear or anything, anymore than I or you would. But when Aron came aboard, I thought, "great now GB is acting like he has all this great experience". I was never impressed with the way he made his listeners think he was this great back country hunter with tons of experience. Truth is he surrounded himself with those who did have the experience and then tried to proxy that to his own image and brand.
I never watched his vids after the first few, cause I couldn't stand the exaggeration of his knowledge, experience and know how.

I am not opposed to his comparing packs, or any gear. But bashing one specific gear, for what ever reason , is unethical.
I suspect Aron will handle this like he did with kuiu founder.

We can all expect a follow up vid from GB on the response he is getting.

Unfortunately there is a growing brotherhood in the hunt- youtube community and they are all sticking together.
Hate me if you will but these are the ones I have seen hook up and are ruining a lot of what we enjoy.
Hush, Gritty,Mtn Ops, Shed Crazy, Born and Raised (yes even these guys have stooped below the bar of purity)

The original hunt channels promoted hunting.
Now they promote their own brand.
They have every right to do that, and I have every right to move on.

For what it's worth, I have both Kifaru and Exo. I like each one specifically. Yes some of the Kifarus are strappy, that's why the AMR is my Fav. No strappyness. Kifaru makes a pack for just about everyone. You want modularity- they got it. You want simplistic, they got it. My Tahr is my next favorite, it reminds me of my EXO 1800 K2.

I plan to unsub from all things GB. Not for his opinion, but for his ethics.

Come on man, ShedCrazy is about as humble as it gets, and Born and Raised is always throwing positivity always. Those 2 I’m a huge fan of.
This podcast was a shot at Kifaru. It's obvious no one is listening to Gritty so he uses Kifaru and Aron in a negative light to get attention. His podcast gets a few hundred views and this one is already in the thousands and the down votes out number the up votes.

Brian Call looked agitated and kept making his co-host agree with every point. His co-host is also his brother, who does not hunt back country, and it very heavy set. Brian didn't even put him on camera during the conversation. I'm not sure how that makes for a good podcast. The review was very biased and is the opposite of what Brian said for years when he was wearing a Kifaru. To me it just shows that Brian Call will say anything as long as the money or free product is coming his way. Really sad direction to take his business. I will be unsubscribing to all his content.

Why criticize a man’s weight though, the topic of discussion aside who cares if he’s heavy set? That’s straight middle school stuff.
This thread and all the YouTube reactions is a good example of how Kifaru fanboys get illogical about their Kifaru gear.

It’s amazing isn’t it? For awhile I thought I didn’t like Kifaru, as it turns out what I don’t like is the people who obsess about kifaru, I swear 95% of them are collectors who don’t use their gear, they just buy a new bag each year.

a few months back I asked a question on kifaru insiders about shipping and it ended up being like 100 replies all of which were bashing me for daring to ask a question. Aron chimed in and said “call kifaru” and that comment got like 300 likes. It would be hilarious if is wasn’t so pathetic.

I don’t have a problem with kifaru, heck I’m getting ready to order another frame/pack from them but kifaru fans are a bunch of posers and trolls.
I don’t have a problem with kifaru, heck I’m getting ready to order another frame/pack from them but kifaru fans are a bunch of posers and trolls.

Come on now. You know it's not just Kifaru fans. I think a large number of people into "Backcountry Hunting" are posers across the board.

I think this is something that plagues (benefits?) a lot of the premium brands, people view it as a status symbol if they can buy top shelf stuff even if they don't need it or use it, and then talk about it on Facebook. All social media driven.
Come on now. You know it's not just Kifaru fans. I think a large number of people into "Backcountry Hunting" are posers across the board.

I think this is something that plagues (benefits?) a lot of the premium brands, people view it as a status symbol if they can buy top shelf stuff even if they don't need it or use it, and then talk about it on Facebook. All social media driven.

I suppose back country hunting has a lot of posers, when I was growing up we hunted elk and mule deer hard, there wasn’t any social media around so I figured everybody elk hunting was doing the same thing. Now that I live in AK, I’m surrounded by people who get it done, I dont see as many posers, defiantly lots of guys who strictly hunt from their vehicles but they don’t claim to be back country hunters.
So what was the issue? A certain pack not working as well as another one?

Happens all of the time.

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Totally agree, but I think the issue people are having is that he’s said many times over the last few years that he loved the kifaru belt and it never slips.

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