Gritty Podcast Kifaru vs Stone Glacier

I think he was very careful in pointing out it was just his opinion on fit and comfort. But, in between doing so, he sure did his best to make every comparison in a way that cast a negative light on Kifaru. It was to the point that it made it obvious he was doing so with ulterior motives.

As far as the web site, he has to be on drugs. I've shopped on everyone of the big four web pages. Kifaru is as easy to navigate, if not the easiest of them all.

I have zero feelings one way r the other. Its just the way it came across to me.
I really like my Kifaru backpack. It has done extremely well for me for the last several seasons, both in hunting and load hauling situations.
When I first discovered GB, I thought, he doesn't deserve a platform to demonstrate hunting, gear or anything, anymore than I or you would. But when Aron came aboard, I thought, "great now GB is acting like he has all this great experience". I was never impressed with the way he made his listeners think he was this great back country hunter with tons of experience. Truth is he surrounded himself with those who did have the experience and then tried to proxy that to his own image and brand.
I never watched his vids after the first few, cause I couldn't stand the exaggeration of his knowledge, experience and know how.

I am not opposed to his comparing packs, or any gear. But bashing one specific gear, for what ever reason , is unethical.
I suspect Aron will handle this like he did with kuiu founder.

We can all expect a follow up vid from GB on the response he is getting.

Unfortunately there is a growing brotherhood in the hunt- youtube community and they are all sticking together.
Hate me if you will but these are the ones I have seen hook up and are ruining a lot of what we enjoy.
Hush, Gritty,Mtn Ops, Shed Crazy, Born and Raised (yes even these guys have stooped below the bar of purity)

The original hunt channels promoted hunting.
Now they promote their own brand.
They have every right to do that, and I have every right to move on.

For what it's worth, I have both Kifaru and Exo. I like each one specifically. Yes some of the Kifarus are strappy, that's why the AMR is my Fav. No strappyness. Kifaru makes a pack for just about everyone. You want modularity- they got it. You want simplistic, they got it. My Tahr is my next favorite, it reminds me of my EXO 1800 K2.

I plan to unsub from all things GB. Not for his opinion, but for his ethics.
Given the integrity of Kifaru and Stone Glacier I would not be surprised if Aaron pretty much stays on the high road and SG at least threatens to pull their support of Gritty. Bashing your competitor rather than promoting your positives is not a good business plan and shouldn’t last long.

Having not seen any Gritty content in quite a while I was impressed with the constant and in your face pop up ads/links in the recent videos.

Just to clarify, I have no knowledge of any relationship between SG and GB. I am sorry if I made it sound like there is a sponsorship arrangement. I guess I assumed it was a possibility and I know better than to assume. But to be honest I do not know.

If there is a relationship I would expect that SG would not be promoting any bashing that may have occurred. I could also believe that whatever was said truly is Brian’s personal opinion and may have some validity but may have been overstated in a manner intended to garner favor from SG in hopes of a relationship. Again, I don’t know. Just too bad that it came across negatively to many folks.
This podcast was a shot at Kifaru. It's obvious no one is listening to Gritty so he uses Kifaru and Aron in a negative light to get attention. His podcast gets a few hundred views and this one is already in the thousands and the down votes out number the up votes.

Brian Call looked agitated and kept making his co-host agree with every point. His co-host is also his brother, who does not hunt back country, and it very heavy set. Brian didn't even put him on camera during the conversation. I'm not sure how that makes for a good podcast. The review was very biased and is the opposite of what Brian said for years when he was wearing a Kifaru. To me it just shows that Brian Call will say anything as long as the money or free product is coming his way. Really sad direction to take his business. I will be unsubscribing to all his content.
Why do you guys still listen to the GB podcast? Is it for the drama? I don't get it. It can't be for the hunting information. The guy is a complete joke in the hunting world now.

Edit to add: Just went and looked at his YouTube channel. Couple of his most recent videos include "Can stretching save your life?" and "Healing slipped disks in your back". Is the guy a doctor now too??? Hahaha.
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He's really doubling down

Brian Call: Gritty

1 hour ago (edited)
@Dean Shear -- I appreciate the comment. We all know that KIFARU sold heaps of product on the Gritty Bowmen Podcast. Aron was a frequent guest on my podcast. During that time, I was not paid by KIFARU. In fact, the exact opposite is true, the last year we worked together, I paid Aron Snyder $24,000. KIFARU grew substantially during the GB years--and Aron profited nicely off the situation, receiving substantial increases in salary, bonuses and even a new truck paid for by KIFARU. In return, I received a couple of backpacks, and partial payments on a few hunts in 2017. For example, on our moose hunt, I paid $7,000 and Kifaru pitched-in a few thousand beyond that. In the meantime, KIFARU was paying individuals like Donnie Vincent $40,000 to wear KIFARU packs. That's how the finances worked out between KIFARU and GRITTY. When I stopped working with KIFARU, Aron came back after a couple of months and requested a renewed partnership. I told him I would partner with KIFARU for $25k per year. Aron didn't think it was worth it. We did not renew the partnership. Additionally, I still used KIFARU gear for more than a year after Aron turned down offer. All of my content throughout 2018 featured KIFARU. So it's simply a lie for Aron to say that I started trashing KIFARU because they turned down my offer. Fact is, I can use whatever pack I want. KIFARU has no ownership over me--KIFARU cannot dictate what I say. Aron is a bully and I hate bullies--can't stand them. I'll keep voicing my opinion, and Aron will keep attacking my character--I'm cool with that. Outside the the Snyder Fan-boy club, there's an entire world of people who see right through their bullshit. You'd be hard pressed to find a person with more internet friends and fewer real friends than Aron Snyder--there's reason for that. Takes grit to put up with the shit Aron dishes out; I'll be just fine, I've got that in spades.
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Brian Call: Gritty

1 hour ago (edited)
@Dean Shear -- I appreciate the comment. We all know that KIFARU sold heaps of product on the Gritty Bowmen Podcast. Aron was a frequent guest on my podcast. During that time, I was not paid by KIFARU. In fact, the exact opposite is true, the last year we worked together, I paid Aron Snyder $24,000. KIFARU grew substantially during the GB years--and Aron profited nicely off the situation, receiving substantial increases in salary, bonuses and even a new truck paid for by KIFARU. In return, I received a couple of backpacks, and partial payments on a few hunts in 2017. For example, on our moose hunt, I paid $7,000 and Kifaru pitched-in a few thousand beyond that. In the meantime, KIFARU was paying individuals like Donnie Vincent $40,000 to wear KIFARU packs. That's how the finances worked out between KIFARU and GRITTY. When I stopped working with KIFARU, Aron came back after a couple of months and requested a renewed partnership. I told him I would partner with KIFARU for $25k per year. Aron didn't think it was worth it. We did not renew the partnership. Additionally, I still used KIFARU gear for more than a year after Aron turned down offer. All of my content throughout 2018 featured KIFARU. So it's simply a lie for Aron to say that I started trashing KIFARU because they turned down my offer. Fact is, I can use whatever pack I want. KIFARU has no ownership over me--KIFARU cannot dictate what I say. Aron is a bully and I hate bullies--can't stand them. I'll keep voicing my opinion, and Aron will keep attacking my character--I'm cool with that. Outside the the Snyder Fan-boy club, there's an entire world of people who see right through their bullshit. You'd be hard pressed to find a person with more internet friends and fewer real friends than Aron Snyder--there's reason for that. Takes grit to put up with the shit Aron dishes out; I'll be just fine, I've got that in spades.
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So, Kifaru packs suck, but he continued to use them for a year with no partnership agreement anyway?

This guy is either completely full of BS or he has product whored himself out to the point that he lacks any degree of self reflection. Probably both.
I just forced myself to listen to it...I don't think he said anything that was really all that out of line. I've never used anything from SG but i doubt its "night and day" different than Kifaru. I will agree that the vast majority of these instal-famous hunting podcasts are just whoring themselves out for $$$, and Brian is one of them. However, I do think this thread is blowing this a bit out of proportion.
Brian Call: Gritty
1 hour ago (edited)
@Dean Shear -- I appreciate the comment. We all know that KIFARU sold heaps of product on the Gritty Bowmen Podcast. Aron was a frequent guest on my podcast. During that time, I was not paid by KIFARU. In fact, the exact opposite is true, the last year we worked together, I paid Aron Snyder $24,000. KIFARU grew substantially during the GB years--and Aron profited nicely off the situation, receiving substantial increases in salary, bonuses and even a new truck paid for by KIFARU. In return, I received a couple of backpacks, and partial payments on a few hunts in 2017. For example, on our moose hunt, I paid $7,000 and Kifaru pitched-in a few thousand beyond that. In the meantime, KIFARU was paying individuals like Donnie Vincent $40,000 to wear KIFARU packs. That's how the finances worked out between KIFARU and GRITTY. When I stopped working with KIFARU, Aron came back after a couple of months and requested a renewed partnership. I told him I would partner with KIFARU for $25k per year. Aron didn't think it was worth it. We did not renew the partnership. Additionally, I still used KIFARU gear for more than a year after Aron turned down offer. All of my content throughout 2018 featured KIFARU. So it's simply a lie for Aron to say that I started trashing KIFARU because they turned down my offer. Fact is, I can use whatever pack I want. KIFARU has no ownership over me--KIFARU cannot dictate what I say. Aron is a bully and I hate bullies--can't stand them. I'll keep voicing my opinion, and Aron will keep attacking my character--I'm cool with that. Outside the the Snyder Fan-boy club, there's an entire world of people who see right through their bullshit. You'd be hard pressed to find a person with more internet friends and fewer real friends than Aron Snyder--there's reason for that. Takes grit to put up with the shit Aron dishes out; I'll be just fine, I've got that in spades.
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Whoa that’s gnarly. Chickens coming home to roost for this guy. More angry he gets, the worse he looks. Guy could have taken the high road a long time ago. Instead he’s resorting to clickbait titles, mud slinging, and podcasts about stretching and how to be more manly. I stopped listening to this guy years ago and listened to this podcast because of the title (I’m sure exactly what he was trying to do). ✌️ Out gritty! Your shop is sinking and your worried about what seat you have.
How the mighty have fallen.