Gritty Podcast Kifaru vs Stone Glacier


May 15, 2018
Denver, CO
If you watch any of his videos he's not even wearing the packs correctly. He never loosens the load lifter straps so there are massive gaps in the shoulder straps and he never seats the pack on his iliac crest. just his comment alone of "I've been fitted by Aron" goes to show you his extent of understanding of how to use a pack. you can get fitted but you still have to loosen and adjust a few of the straps each time you put it on to achieve a perfect fit.
May 8, 2017
People immediately started giving him shit so he edited the post after that. Classic Brian Call. I had already un-followed him but someone pointed it out and I had to see the dumpster fire in action lol.

He's the king of throwing s**t against the wall to see if it sticks. Look at his SG vs Kifaru "review" (put it up, stood by it, slammed everyone who challenged it, then deleted it), or his defense of Greentree guilty of poaching (put it up, stood by it, slammed everyone who challenged it, then deleted it), and consistently does it with his IG posts.

A "mistake" here and there is completely understandable. But with this guy its serial. He lies, manipulates, and does anything he can to try and make a dime/increase his success on his various platforms. Screenshots are Gritty's worst enemy because it shows what he tries to erase.

Again, I dont download any of his podcasts or follow him on any platforms. My issue is that he sells his crap to people who dont know any better and takes advantage of people outright. It almost seems predatory in nature.
Feb 9, 2019
British Columbia
No I don’t think he hiked that far. Probably only a mile off the road but he definitely couldnt of gotten it back to the truck without his $700 backpack.

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The guy I mentioned in my other post had travelled 40+ miles as the crow flies in a day or so, that's at the BC/Yukon border where the terrain is far from horses or F-350s on the continent at that time that I know of. Pack in the painting looks like a Stryker with a camp bag to me though! :ROFLMAO:

Edit: I think "Kwäday Dän Tsʼìnchi" roughly translates to "60 vertical miles," maybe he really is the one that started all this!
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Sep 6, 2016
Northern Colorado
Just wait until the new tumpline series belts come out.

Influencer: “You’re not a badass until you carried a whole moose out your head.”

Me...hold my beer.


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Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
For a bunch of guys who claim to not care about Brian Call, there sure seems to be a lot of guys here who care about Brian Call.
no doubt!

I don't understand the ill will either, he's just a guy trying to make it in the industry, and doing so.... might not be my cup of tea, but it's like he has personally "wronged" a lot of people on this site, haha.

I think it's ok to like Snyder without hating Brian. I like seeing people do well, he isn't doing anything to me personally, and nobody forces me to listen to him.

everyone who is "making it" in the hunting industry is filling some niche, obviously Brian is too.... obviously ain't the Rokslide crew, haha. he posts free content.... soooooo
Mar 16, 2018
There were a couple questions about Stone Glacier in this thread that I would be happy to answer.

I have not listed to the podcast mentioned nor do I have any more information on the podcast other than what is posted on this thread. Stone Glacier does not have any paid affiliation or endorsement of Brian Call. I have never met or talked to Brian, so I have no further insight.

Much like Aron stated in a previous post, myself and all the other employees of Stone Glacier have had a very positive relationship with Kifaru both on a personal level and a business level. We have great respect for their company and products, both companies have proven there is ample room in this industry for multiple brands while remaining friends.

Our best to everyone and their family, stay safe and healthy.

Aron and Kurt win because of their boss responses! Goin thru quarantine like a boss son!


Jun 18, 2019
I guess my only beef with Brian is the way he exaggerates and characterizes both the western hunting experience and the gear or supplements that are necessary for getting it done. He has a hyperbolic way of describing dang near every hunting experience (60 vertical miles). I wonder how many people he has "influenced" into biting off more than they can chew on their first hunting experience.

That being said, I know we live in the era of reality TV and being a drama queen can actually get you somewhere in life (or in the case of Joe Exotic, prison). BC is purposefully stirring the sh*t pot and ironically by posting about it on Rokslide we're drawing attention to his brand. Negative attention, but attention nonetheless.
Jan 26, 2017
WA State
In my experience, the people I know who dislike his podcast and IG page have been hunting for a long time and the guys who do like him have started hunting in the last 3-5 years or so, and obviously some people are indifferent as well. Not sure what that entails, but it seems fairly consistent. Maybe people that have been around the block are more likely to see through the smoke screen when someone is all hat, no cattle and doesn't know their ass from a whole in the ground even though they act like an authority on the subject. I would imagine there are Brian Call type YouTubers in every industry that annoy people. Golf, fishing, auto mechanics, anything and everything. When there's money to be made, D-Bags will show up faking it til they make it and will continue until they're pushed out from either lack of authenticity or burning too many bridges, or the revenue dries up and they move on to the next industry and start the cycle again.


Jul 18, 2016
I’m just glad that everyone is done with him hopefully. Dude annoyed me from day one. Seems like a prime example of chasing money and playing politics to get where he was. Still blows my mind that he ever got the publicity he did. He can talk crap all day but that’s the’s crap

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Jul 17, 2012
Here’s a big one that jumps out is the amount of money these “personalities and influencers” are getting paid by companies. Think how much less your bows, backpacks, clothing etc would cost if a bunch of clowns with social media followers weren’t making a living off this and had real jobs.
We've had influencers for a long time. They just wrote magazine articles instead of posted on Instagram. Think about how much free stuff every outdoor life, field and stream, any hunting magazine editor got. I remember reading articles all the time where the guy name dropped "ceo's of hunting companies" the same way some podcast guys do. Just different mediums.