Greenland - Yes or No? Where are the "we need more public land" people?

Should the USA add Greenland to its public land/water portfolio?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am not sure.

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The president of the united states made the following statement on his first day in office regarding greenland. Copy from NYpost.

Trump predicts Denmark will cave on Greenland
By Ryan King

When asked about Greenland, President Trump predicted that Denmark would fold and cede the territory to the US.

"Greenland is a wonderful place. We need it for international security, and I'm sure Denmark will come along," Trump told reporters.

"I think it's costing them a lot of money to maintain it," Trump said. "The people of Greenland are not happy with Denmark. I think they're happy with us. They can't maintain it."
And in a shocking twist Greenland will become a self governing Canadian territory under the same terms as Nunavut which it is both geographically and culturally aligned with.
Greenland ---- why would we want it? Oil and natural gas? Well, doing a google search, (Oh wait, am I supposed to do that, am I making someone rich by using google?), it seems even the government of Greenland stopped trying, but here is what got me thinking....... This is a direct quote off google "Greenland has banned future oil exploration due to climate change concerns. The island is committed to transitioning to renewable energy." Are we getting a whole bunch of "Soros/Obama/Biden Democrats?" Now, I realize they searched and didn't find any oil, but according to U.S. surveys, it does contain billions of barrels of oil on land in the ocean around it.

So, we are taking it for oil? It doesn't seem like it. Minerals? Strategic bases for advanced warning (we already have a base there.) Now, I'll throw two more out there: 1)Territory in the Arctic, yep Russia and China are trying to get as much as they can, we have to get more presence up there to have more say; 2) I just mentioned China, we have got to stop their expansion, and from what I read, they are getting more of a presence on Greenland.

Let's put a stop to China buying U.S. agricultural land and now land in Greenland, "hit the road Jack!"

Now before any of you ... bash me for that, I'm going to ask you two questions: 1) How much agricultural land do you think China allows the U.S. to own in China? 2) What do you think they would do if the U.S. decided to bring in Taiwan as the 52nd state? That would put a burr under their saddle.

While we are at it, let's just take back the land Canada owns here too. (that's a little humor, but ......)

Now, I'm going to Am$%^& an ordering something I need and make Bezos richer, and ordering groceries from Walmart and making the Walton's richer.
There’s good strategic reasons to want Greenland, but access to public hunting lands isn’t one of them. There’s also strong economic and ethical arguments against annexing it.

Personally I think we shouldn’t be burning bridges with NATO allies to acquire territory, but if we do end up with Greenland we’ll be really glad we did the deal in 100 years. It’s similar to how Alaska was originally “Seward’s Icebox” and a waste of money. I’d hate to be in the military if Greenland ever becomes a PCS location though.
You do realize that you can travel outside the US and spend money without invading right?
No need to invade, we're already there. I'm all for democracy. I'm sure if they held a referendum in Greenland they'd all happily vote to get US Passports. To misquote Stanley Kubrik, "Inside every Inuit there is an American trying to get out."

Now why don't you jump on the team and come in for the big win?
Personally I think we shouldn’t be burning bridges with NATO allies to acquire territory
What could possibly go wrong ruining relations with our closest allies while Russia/China/NK are creeping along with their objectives?
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