Got my Colorado Moose!


Dec 10, 2015
I drew a cow tag this year in a unit that I've spent a lot of time hunting other things (and always saw moose in there). I had to work the first 4 days of the season, so I was a little bummed about that. I got up to my unit on the afternoon of the 4th day, and the first area I went into looked good, but as I was working through a marshy bottom, I look up on a hillside and notice guys in hunter orange watching the same area I am walking through. Feeling a bit dejected about that, I backed out. As I was making my way back to my truck, I noticed another guy in hunter orange parked near my truck and glassing the same area... At this point I am feeling like this is an OTC rifle hunt LOL. I stopped and talked to the guy near my truck, turns out this is his 2nd moose tag, and he had taken a really nice bull 12 years ago in this same bottom.
I spent the next day checking several other areas, and didnt see much other than a couple of fresh carcasses from other successful hunts.
I went back to the back of the same bottom I was in the first day. Coming in from a trail that was a bout a mile and half hike in. First morning at this new spot and I spotted a moose. From 500-600 yards away, it definitely looked like a cow! I took off after her and made my way down to a good spot for a shot. I popped out of the willows at 200 yards or so, and the moose is there in front of me. As I pull up my binos for a better look, I notice very small forked antlers.. Not a cow, but a year and half old little bull. It was cool to watch him feed until he finally made it back into cover.
That evening I set up to glass in a similar spot, and saw the same little bull again, but no other moose. The next morning, I hiked back into the same bottom just before sunrise. As the sun rose that morning, it was a beautiful sunrise.

As daylight broke, I started seeing moose. First, the young bull from the day before. Then a 2 year old bull popped out. Then, further down the valley, a pretty big bull walked out of the bottom and worked up the side of a hill. A second bull came out and followed that big bull.
4 bulls in this basin, I felt like it was just a matter of time before a cow popped up. I watched the big bull for a while through the binos, and noticed he was fixated on a clump of timber. He bird dogged around, and threw his head back smelling the air. I marked the clump of timber on OnX, pulled back and took off to loop around and come down on that spot. It took 30-45 minutes, and a lot of navigating really bad deadfall. As I dropped down to the spot, I actually spooked the big bull a bit. He didnt totally blow out, but he knew I was there and not sure what I was. I snuck down a little further, and BAM, the cow is standing there broadside, 140 yards away, totally keyed in on the bull!
I got my rifle up and on the shooting sticks, took a deep breath and centered the crosshairs. BOOM. Through the scope, I saw her instantly hunch up. She took a couple of steps forward as I racked a second round into the chamber. She took one more step and fell over. Walking up to her was an amazing feeling. Such giant animals!


May 8, 2019
I look forward to being in the draw next year even though I probably have better odds at the Powerball...


May 16, 2015
Congratulations, sir! Thank you for sharing your hunt with excellent pic's!

You'll have some great eating...moose meat is outstanding!


Nov 20, 2016
That is great! I had the same opportunity here in WA in 2016. I had never seen one up close and yes, they are HUGE. Do you have any age on her at all? She looks pretty good.