They cant raise tag allocation enough to offset the raise in demand. Utah has seen an average of 7% increase in applications for the last couple of years. You would have to basically double tag allocations to offset that. There is nothing DWR can do about that. More and more people want to hunt.
There is a unit in the north that they cut tags. Quality and the number of elk has increased but due to the cut in tags, your odds of drawing it basically decreased by half. This was done fully at the request of hunters in the state of Utah.
If you are trying to say that continually cutting tags has not improved herd quality or quantity, you are preaching to the choir. I have been pounding that drum for years. I would also say go back and watch/read the DWR recommendations and then go and see what the wildlife board has voted to allow. Remember, the wildlife board is what controls hunting in Utah, not the DWR.
I do not disagree with you but I do disagree on who is to blame. What could the DWR do to fix this issue?