Gohunt draw odds UT

They cant raise tag allocation enough to offset the raise in demand. Utah has seen an average of 7% increase in applications for the last couple of years. You would have to basically double tag allocations to offset that. There is nothing DWR can do about that. More and more people want to hunt.

There is a unit in the north that they cut tags. Quality and the number of elk has increased but due to the cut in tags, your odds of drawing it basically decreased by half. This was done fully at the request of hunters in the state of Utah.

If you are trying to say that continually cutting tags has not improved herd quality or quantity, you are preaching to the choir. I have been pounding that drum for years. I would also say go back and watch/read the DWR recommendations and then go and see what the wildlife board has voted to allow. Remember, the wildlife board is what controls hunting in Utah, not the DWR.

I do not disagree with you but I do disagree on who is to blame. What could the DWR do to fix this issue?
I'm going to disagree that the majority wanted tag cuts, vocal minority sure.

Utah's current system is designed to reward the best lobbying special interest group, utah wildlife board has an agenda far different then the average utah hunter.

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I'm going to disagree that the majority wanted tag cuts, vocal minority sure.

Utah's current system is designed to reward the best lobbying special interest group, utah wildlife board has an agenda far different then the average utah hunter.

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With how much that minority shows up to the board and RAC meetings, they certainly look like the majority.

You are correct on the issue with the board but people need to show up and go on the public record. Its a lot harder to ignore people when they are standing in the room. At the very least, take the time to comment on the DWRs proposals.
Okay I'll give you that, I see that the DWR probably isn't the one to point the finger at.
If you want to see a change, start showing up to the RAC and board meetings. There are a few that show up every time and push for more tags to help with odds but they sure could use some help.

Go watch the one were they allocated tags for 2023. The issue with the board was on full display. The DWR wanted to issue more general season deer tags for the southern units and the board didnt approve it. The DWR cant do much if the board wont approve it.

This new board is looking better than in past years but people need to show up.
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If you want to see a change, start showing up to the RAC and board meetings. There are a few that show up every time and push for more tags to help with odds but they sure could use some help.

Go watch the one were they allocated tags for 2023. The issue with the board was on full display. The DWR wanted to issue more general season deer tags for the southern units and the board didnt approve it. The DWR cant do much if the board wont approve it.

This new board is looking better than in past years but people need to show up.
People did show up for the scopes on muzzy hunts and the majority told them to leave it alone and we see what good that did.
People did show up for the scopes on muzzy hunts and the majority told them to leave it alone and we see what good that did.
I have been around the internet for a bit and it is good for bouncing ideas off each other and bringing like minded people together. One thing it is not good at is actually getting things changed. That requires going to the place that changes can be made and it isnt here.

The board isnt perfect, no system is perfect. You can continue to complain here or you can show up and have a chance. In the end, its really up to you.

@realunlucky, you deleted your post but I saw it. To answer your question who has the time to show up to the RACs and/or board meetings? Nobody actually has the time, they make the time. I do. Its not easy and requires effort but its doable. If you only really care about big game, its one maybe two meetings a year. My opinion has greatly changed since I actually started attending or watching the meetings online.
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@realunlucky, you deleted your post but I saw it. To answer your question who has the time to show up to the RACs and/or board meetings? I do and have for a couple years. Its not easy and requires effort but its doable. If you only really care about big game, its one maybe two meetings a year. My opinion has greatly changed since I actually started attending or watching the meetings online.
My comment was if online comments aren't going to carry the same wieght as in person they should notate that or not accept them.

I've been to plenty meetings and streamed the others I've missed in fact I just talked to my RAC representative last week.

Little derail which is why I deleted my comments originally
Well according to Gohunt however accurate they, are I went from being able to draw any archery hunt, most muzzleloader hunts and a few good late season to pretty much having to wait another two to three years to get a decent tag and that's if I am lucky with point creep. With all the changes that they keep making "for the good" everyone keeps jumping around on what hunts the feel they can draw. I don't know it just seems like it is not getting any better.
Go on Utah's website and cross reference your odds. Go hunt helps but I dont think they are super accurate.
Go on Utah's website and cross reference your odds. Go hunt helps but I dont think they are super accurate.
My eyes have been opened to this as I have been cross referencing the two it seems there is some differences in what I am able to draw
Ii just gets discouraging when your odds continually get worse each new year, and well they are the ones that are supposed to be managing it so how is it not?
Not sure if you're a resident or non-resident, but non-residents moving to Utah every year have definitely impacted point creep and residnet draw odds. Utah only allows residents to put in for one limited entry and one lifetime to help draw odds and try and control point creep. Utah allows non-residents to put in for as many limited entry and lifetime as they want to get more money from application fees, but it REALLY hurts their draw odds. The problem is now you have non-residents that are moving to Utah that have put in for all species every year and have accumulated a crap ton of points for all species.

Also, there are a lot of hunters sitting on the sidelines building up points. This is the first year Utah released how many people put in for bonus points only. Here is the bonus point only link from this year which isn't accounted for in Gohunt draw odds.

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Not sure if you're a resident or non-resident, but non-residents moving to Utah every year have definitely impacted point creep and residnet draw odds. Utah only allows residents to put in for one limited entry and one lifetime to help draw odds and try and control point creep. Utah allows non-residents to put in for as many limited entry and lifetime as they want to get more money from application fees, but it REALLY hurts their draw odds. The problem is now you have non-residents that are moving to Utah that have put in for all species every year and have accumulated a crap ton of points for all species.

Also, there are a lot of hunters sitting on the sidelines building up points. This is the first year Utah released how many people put in for bonus points only. Here is the bonus point only link from this year which isn't accounted for in Gohunt draw odds.

That is kinda interesting to see what everyone else is doing for thier bonus points. But you are right there is more people coming into the state that affects the odds as well. Just when you think you are doing good on points something changes. That something is always different too. Looks like I'll be looking really hard at archery this next year.
That is kinda interesting to see what everyone else is doing for thier bonus points. But you are right there is more people coming into the state that affects the odds as well. Just when you think you are doing good on points something changes. That something is always different too. Looks like I'll be looking really hard at archery this next year.
It is interesting. Not to bag on Gohunt or other companies offering the same services, but if you look at how many this year put in for a Elk bonus point (19,999 residents and 18,251 non-residents) Gohunt will never be able to predict what unit and what year these people will eventually put in for.
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The only thing GoHunt provides is the high level look at each state to wade through all the regulatory language to make it easier to understand the nuances for each state's application process.

Calculating odds for this year is merely telling you what happened in the past few years...

I screwed up someone's 50% chance this year by pool hopping for a hunt code I have never applied for because I need to start buring some species bonus points 😈
My eyes have been opened to this as I have been cross referencing the two it seems there is some differences in what I am able to draw
Its hard to know really. The numbers don't account for people that have been building points and then decide to jump in on the unit you apply for. Cant draw if you dont apply though.