Go Hunt, what are your thoughts?


Mar 4, 2012
I found some of the unit write ups for places I knew really well to be bad and inaccurate. Some of the info regarding seasons and tag usage was completely wrong and could have gotten someone into some legal problems


Mar 1, 2012
These draw odds companies are going to get a kick in the nuts in the next few years - especially when Wyo goes to regions and tag reductions due to winter kill.
Oct 19, 2023
It certainly helped increase point creep.

…and increases crowding in certain areas on public land others have put years of time/energy into learning.

Does ANYBODY else see all these “tools” are just spot blasting raised to the power of the internet? Gone is the joy in finding an area, getting to know it, and developing a deep knowledge of the landscape and the wildlife that occupy it. Here is another hunter looking for the shortcut answer for the shortcut tool. A new wescout4u.com at a price more attainable while simultaneously sodomizing you with a fire extinguisher.

It amazes me how much time and money hunters waste on making hunting worse overall. Today’s hunter is so shortcut hungry and infatuated with anything they can do to increase the odds of posting a grip ‘n grin on social media. They simply want to avoid every aspect of the hunt short of pulling a trigger.

The resultant problem is the modern hunter. He/she:
1. Builds points in every western state with no regard for crowding out others.
2. Lacks any woodsmanship or even a HINT of “leave no trace” ethos. (Pick up your F-ing trash and put your fires out)
3. Is driven more by what they can post than personal satisfaction from a hunt. They are out for #1 with no regard for other hunters, e.g. AVB.
4. Has received their “training” from online Hunters Education. Shoots at skylined deer and shit that moves.
5. Has spent 10,000 hours learning to shoot on University of Youtube. Shoots 10 rounds off of a concrete bench to sight in their rifle before going hunting. Think they are capable of shooting 600+ yards.
6. Spends more time thinking about their matching Gucci camo clothes and underwear than hunting.
7. Mimics EVERYTHING they see on MeatBeater, Cam Hanes, pick your favorite hunting hero. Incapable of developing their own self as a hunter. Just take a peak at every teailhead- it’s like a game of Where’s Waldo.
8. Calls themself a conservationist for participating in a raffle at a Pint Night. Said money goes to recruiting more hunters who buy more raffle tickets. Said raffle tickets go to more R3 programs. More hunters = more GoHunt sales. To get a leg up, the modern hunter finds the next app with all the recent game sightings using an AI driven algorithm that compiles hikers’ metadata and Instagram posts.
9. Will post about how virtuous of a conservationist they are but willing to shoot at, and take a deer another hunter shot.

At what point do we start asking if we’re doing ourselves any favors by outsourcing scouting. We’ve exchanged scouting by means of blood, sweat, tears and time in the field for a cheatsheet we can buy. It has greatly enabled an explosion hunting tourism which has killed our tag opportunities, quality of hunting, and cheapened the experience.

If this forum is ANY indication of what a hunter is, then I suppose I’m not a hunter. I am probably wasting my time, but I hope it starts to click for a few.


Nov 11, 2023
Rochester, MN

…and increases crowding in certain areas on public land others have put years of time/energy into learning.

Does ANYBODY else see all these “tools” are just spot blasting raised to the power of the internet? Gone is the joy in finding an area, getting to know it, and developing a deep knowledge of the landscape and the wildlife that occupy it. Here is another hunter looking for the shortcut answer for the shortcut tool. A new wescout4u.com at a price more attainable while simultaneously sodomizing you with a fire extinguisher.

It amazes me how much time and money hunters waste on making hunting worse overall. Today’s hunter is so shortcut hungry and infatuated with anything they can do to increase the odds of posting a grip ‘n grin on social media. They simply want to avoid every aspect of the hunt short of pulling a trigger.

The resultant problem is the modern hunter. He/she:
1. Builds points in every western state with no regard for crowding out others.
2. Lacks any woodsmanship or even a HINT of “leave no trace” ethos. (Pick up your F-ing trash and put your fires out)
3. Is driven more by what they can post than personal satisfaction from a hunt. They are out for #1 with no regard for other hunters, e.g. AVB.
4. Has received their “training” from online Hunters Education. Shoots at skylined deer and shit that moves.
5. Has spent 10,000 hours learning to shoot on University of Youtube. Shoots 10 rounds off of a concrete bench to sight in their rifle before going hunting. Think they are capable of shooting 600+ yards.
6. Spends more time thinking about their matching Gucci camo clothes and underwear than hunting.
7. Mimics EVERYTHING they see on MeatBeater, Cam Hanes, pick your favorite hunting hero. Incapable of developing their own self as a hunter. Just take a peak at every teailhead- it’s like a game of Where’s Waldo.
8. Calls themself a conservationist for participating in a raffle at a Pint Night. Said money goes to recruiting more hunters who buy more raffle tickets. Said raffle tickets go to more R3 programs. More hunters = more GoHunt sales. To get a leg up, the modern hunter finds the next app with all the recent game sightings using an AI driven algorithm that compiles hikers’ metadata and Instagram posts.
9. Will post about how virtuous of a conservationist they are but willing to shoot at, and take a deer another hunter shot.

At what point do we start asking if we’re doing ourselves any favors by outsourcing scouting. We’ve exchanged scouting by means of blood, sweat, tears and time in the field for a cheatsheet we can buy. It has greatly enabled an explosion hunting tourism which has killed our tag opportunities, quality of hunting, and cheapened the experience.

If this forum is ANY indication of what a hunter is, then I suppose I’m not a hunter. I am probably wasting my time, but I hope it starts to click for a few.
The fact of the matter, is that while that's all true people are lazier now . 10% of hunters kill 90% of the trophies. That's not luck . That's woodsmanship , hunting ability etc . You can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink . These tools might add more pressure but it doesn't make them a good hunter . Or even a successful hunter. I know guys that have had gohunt for years and have hunted CO elk for 14 years and never killed a bull , a buddy and I went into that same unit and both tagged bulls in 3 days on a otc tag. Doesn't mean anything to have all those subscriptions if you can't actually put the information to use and learn to be a better hunter. That's why so few people are consistently successful. Does it suck that there's more pressure sure. Can you change it? No . So why complain about it. Just work harder , go further, and enjoy your hunt.
Aug 9, 2021

…and increases crowding in certain areas on public land others have put years of time/energy into learning.

Does ANYBODY else see all these “tools” are just spot blasting raised to the power of the internet? Gone is the joy in finding an area, getting to know it, and developing a deep knowledge of the landscape and the wildlife that occupy it. Here is another hunter looking for the shortcut answer for the shortcut tool. A new wescout4u.com at a price more attainable while simultaneously sodomizing you with a fire extinguisher.

It amazes me how much time and money hunters waste on making hunting worse overall. Today’s hunter is so shortcut hungry and infatuated with anything they can do to increase the odds of posting a grip ‘n grin on social media. They simply want to avoid every aspect of the hunt short of pulling a trigger.

The resultant problem is the modern hunter. He/she:
1. Builds points in every western state with no regard for crowding out others.
2. Lacks any woodsmanship or even a HINT of “leave no trace” ethos. (Pick up your F-ing trash and put your fires out)
3. Is driven more by what they can post than personal satisfaction from a hunt. They are out for #1 with no regard for other hunters, e.g. AVB.
4. Has received their “training” from online Hunters Education. Shoots at skylined deer and shit that moves.
5. Has spent 10,000 hours learning to shoot on University of Youtube. Shoots 10 rounds off of a concrete bench to sight in their rifle before going hunting. Think they are capable of shooting 600+ yards.
6. Spends more time thinking about their matching Gucci camo clothes and underwear than hunting.
7. Mimics EVERYTHING they see on MeatBeater, Cam Hanes, pick your favorite hunting hero. Incapable of developing their own self as a hunter. Just take a peak at every teailhead- it’s like a game of Where’s Waldo.
8. Calls themself a conservationist for participating in a raffle at a Pint Night. Said money goes to recruiting more hunters who buy more raffle tickets. Said raffle tickets go to more R3 programs. More hunters = more GoHunt sales. To get a leg up, the modern hunter finds the next app with all the recent game sightings using an AI driven algorithm that compiles hikers’ metadata and Instagram posts.
9. Will post about how virtuous of a conservationist they are but willing to shoot at, and take a deer another hunter shot.

At what point do we start asking if we’re doing ourselves any favors by outsourcing scouting. We’ve exchanged scouting by means of blood, sweat, tears and time in the field for a cheatsheet we can buy. It has greatly enabled an explosion hunting tourism which has killed our tag opportunities, quality of hunting, and cheapened the experience.

If this forum is ANY indication of what a hunter is, then I suppose I’m not a hunter. I am probably wasting my time, but I hope it starts to click for a few.
I think this is just a list of things that annoy you and most of us. Doubt we have accurate data on whether the dipsh*ts leaving trash at a campsite also have GoHunt subscriptions.


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
The fact of the matter, is that while that's all true people are lazier now . 10% of hunters kill 90% of the trophies. That's not luck . That's woodsmanship , hunting ability etc . You can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink . These tools might add more pressure but it doesn't make them a good hunter . Or even a successful hunter. I know guys that have had gohunt for years and have hunted CO elk for 14 years and never killed a bull , a buddy and I went into that same unit and both tagged bulls in 3 days on a otc tag. Doesn't mean anything to have all those subscriptions if you can't actually put the information to use and learn to be a better hunter. That's why so few people are consistently successful. Does it suck that there's more pressure sure. Can you change it? No . So why complain about it. Just work harder , go further, and enjoy your hunt.
Lots to unpack here.

But when you discover that the 10% you speak of are made up from folks like AVB and the complete idiot I recently read about who “wrote the book on hunting big mule deer” that ended up shooting a giant buck out the truck window with a muzzleloader because he “confused the boat regs and vehicle regs” - your argument that it’s a result of woodsmanship and/or hunting prowess breaks down. - and @Idahowitzer ’s points start to make a lot of sense.


Nov 11, 2023
Rochester, MN
Lots to unpack here.

But when you discover that the 10% you speak of are made up from folks like AVB and the complete idiot I recently read about who “wrote the book on hunting big mule deer” that ended up shooting a giant buck out the truck window with a muzzleloader because he “confused the boat regs and vehicle regs” - your argument that it’s a result of woodsmanship and/or hunting prowess breaks down. - and @Idahowitzer ’s points start to make a lot of sense.
You can't take isolated instances and attribute them to the entirety of the hunting population that's just ridiculous.

The thing of it is , there's more pressure , more hunters , and more information then ever before right now .

You can do 1 of 2 things , sit back and say pity me pity me it's not like the old days , or you can get up go one more ridge glass one more basin , scout 1 more day in the summer and work harder then the others because odds are most of the hunters arnt putting that work in .

The only thing that dictates the success of your hunt and season is your effort and attitude . If you wanna have a piss poor attitude you'll have a piss poor season .

I get it it can be frustrating but you can't change it so why dwell on it . Move on complaing or giving attention to it doesn't help anyone.

Especially as a hunter, you should see that a isolated instance of wrongdoing from someone with alot of success is not the forefront for everyone that has success in the field .
Oct 19, 2023
… 10% of hunters kill 90% of the trophies…. Does it suck that there's more pressure sure. Can you change it? No . So why complain about it. Just work harder , go further, and enjoy your hunt.
The problem is, you can be part of that 10%, and still harvest nice animals, but you WILL put up with more and more BS.

I bet a lot of market hunters said the same thing when others were noticing fewer animals. “You can’t change it, just keep going west. You just have to go farther to find game.” At some point, we’re going to hit an ocean and the 10% are going to be in the same boat. Change has got to start somewhere.

There’s no amount of “work harder” Cam Hanes BS motivation that’s going to get me away from shitty hunter behavior. Huntable acres are finite and the industry is hungry for more hunters. The amount of debachery I deal with on a daily basis increases by the season.

Your worldview really falls apart when you experience something that ruins or ends a hunt because of other hunters’ poor decision making. For example- losing a day of hunting because someone’s warming fire popped off and you’re desperately climbing trying to get a signal to call it in. Once a helitack crew shows up, they are making bucket runs over your hunting spot for the next 10 hours. That kind of ruins it.

When a 2 man boat with 5 guys and 1,000 pounds of gear floats through your decoy spread after you’ve put in hard work scouting and are anticipating a good hunt, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When somebody jump shoots 10,000 ducks in a corn field you had permission to hunt, or blows up a hole, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When you have to take cover behind a rock because bullets are cracking over your head, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When somebody starts skubusting your swing birds waterfowl hunting, or sets up 50 yards away from you, it kind of ruins your hunt.

I promise, I will outwork, go farther, and hunt harder than 90% of other hunters, but there’s always some idiot with his face in GoHunt in that will stroll up middle of me and a screaming bull on every hunt, or some idiot who left 25 lbs of trash in a fire pit that I end up packing out, or a wounded animal that someone shouldn’t have shot at. That wasn’t the norm, now it is.

Ignoring it and spouting off your Can’t Hanes “Nobody Cares. Work Harder” it isn’t going to fix the problem- it is contributing to the problem.

I care. I work hard enough.


Nov 11, 2023
Rochester, MN
The problem is, you can be part of that 10%, and still harvest nice animals, but you WILL put up with more and more BS.

I bet a lot of market hunters said the same thing when others were noticing fewer animals. “You can’t change it, just keep going west. You just have to go farther to find game.” At some point, we’re going to hit an ocean and the 10% are going to be in the same boat. Change has got to start somewhere.

There’s no amount of “work harder” Cam Hanes BS motivation that’s going to get me away from shitty hunter behavior. Huntable acres are finite and the industry is hungry for more hunters. The amount of debachery I deal with on a daily basis increases by the season.

Your worldview really falls apart when you experience something that ruins or ends a hunt because of other hunters’ poor decision making. For example- losing a day of hunting because someone’s warming fire popped off and you’re desperately climbing trying to get a signal to call it in. Once a helitack crew shows up, they are making bucket runs over your hunting spot for the next 10 hours. That kind of ruins it.

When a 2 man boat with 5 guys and 1,000 pounds of gear floats through your decoy spread after you’ve put in hard work scouting and are anticipating a good hunt, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When somebody jump shoots 10,000 ducks in a corn field you had permission to hunt, or blows up a hole, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When you have to take cover behind a rock because bullets are cracking over your head, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When somebody starts skubusting your swing birds waterfowl hunting, or sets up 50 yards away from you, it kind of ruins your hunt.

I promise, I will outwork, go farther, and hunt harder than 90% of other hunters, but there’s always some idiot with his face in GoHunt in that will stroll up middle of me and a screaming bull on every hunt, or some idiot who left 25 lbs of trash in a fire pit that I end up packing out, or a wounded animal that someone shouldn’t have shot at. That wasn’t the norm, now it is.

Ignoring it and spouting off your Can’t Hanes “Nobody Cares. Work Harder” it isn’t going to fix the problem- it is contributing to the problem.

I care. I work hard enough.
Sounds like your just complaining honestly. And doing it on a forum is doing you no good . I suggest you run for a office to make a change in your state, or however the dynamic is where you live.

I don't follow Cam Hanes nor do I know any of his mantras.

I just live simply by the fact that I can't as one single human change these things , so why dwell on it and let it control me and my attitude. So I just work harder to get away from those people I can't be responsible for everyone on the mountain or drainage I can only be responsible for myself, I don't need someone to tell me hey good job for cleaning up after yourself. Or good job for going the next ridge. Or good job you didn't blow that hunters stalk . I just do what I feel is right and enjoy the hunt.

I think if you stood back and took the time to enjoy the good parts of your hunts you wouldn't dwell on the bad and blame gohunt for it.
Oct 19, 2023
I think this is just a list of things that annoy you and most of us. Doubt we have accurate data on whether the dipsh*ts leaving trash at a campsite also have GoHunt subscriptions.
Bro, I’m a big believer in data when it counts, but not all data collection is in a peer reviewed study or survey. You collect data with your eyeballs and ears when you look both ways to cross the street.

Read any study on post-covid hiking trail degradation due to increased traffic and uneducated user groups, vandalism on public land, Mt Everest experiences, the freuquency of mountain rescues, avalanche fatalities, etc. Now take ALLL that data we have and remember how your mommy said to loon both ways? Look around at the modern American hunter. Now read what I wrote. You really think I’m saying ONLY GoHunt is part of the problem?
Oct 19, 2023
I think if you stood back and took the time to enjoy the good parts of your hunts you wouldn't dwell on the bad and blame gohunt for it.
You’re mistaken. Clearly, I’m am blaming GoHunt for absolutely everything wrong with the world. Not just hunting.

GoHunt made Joe Biden sleepy.

GoHunt is 100% behind Jan 6.

GoHunt attacked Israel AND bombed a hospital in Gaza.

GoHunt invaded Ukraine

Now GoHunt wants your kid to drink Bud Light.

And lastly, your mom Goes to Hunt with OnX


Nov 11, 2023
Rochester, MN
but there’s always some idiot with his face in GoHunt in that will stroll up middle of me and a screaming bull on every hunt
Well that's all you mentioned , listen man idk you from Adam down the street , but based on the other posts you've made on this forum in general and the ones on this thread. You're here to stir the pot and not actually have any constructive conversation. I'm not saying any of your points are wrong I'm just saying if you feel so strongly about it quit groaning about it and do something about it . Make a change in your state , lobby , run for office , go to meetings , stand up for what you believe in . But doing it on this forum isn't helping your state improve at all .
Oct 19, 2023
… you can get up go one more ridge glass one more basin , scout 1 more day in the summer…
Gotta love it when a midwest hunter is giving me free advise on western hunting tactics straight outa the MeatBeater/every other western hunting TV show playbook. Tell me more expert backcountry hunter. Do tell me more! 🙏🙏🙏


Oct 4, 2017
I used it religiously when they first launched, that corresponded with when I first started hunting out-of-state. I'm still a subscriber and use it very sparingly now but I still think it's a nice resource to have access too.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
Lots to unpack here.

But when you discover that the 10% you speak of are made up from folks like AVB and the complete idiot I recently read about who “wrote the book on hunting big mule deer” that ended up shooting a giant buck out the truck window with a muzzleloader because he “confused the boat regs and vehicle regs” - your argument that it’s a result of woodsmanship and/or hunting prowess breaks down. - and @Idahowitzer ’s points start to make a lot of sense.
you can at least tag the person if you’re going to call them an idiot.
You’re mistaken. Clearly, I’m am blaming GoHunt for absolutely everything wrong with the world. Not just hunting.

GoHunt made Joe Biden sleepy.

GoHunt is 100% behind Jan 6.

GoHunt attacked Israel AND bombed a hospital in Gaza.

GoHunt invaded Ukraine

Now GoHunt wants your kid to drink Bud Light.

And lastly, your mom Goes to Hunt with OnX
Gotta love it when a midwest hunter is giving me free advise on western hunting tactics straight outa the MeatBeater/every other western hunting TV show playbook. Tell me more expert backcountry hunter. Do tell me more! 🙏🙏🙏
Chill out with the play on names.