Glue in point vs. screw in


Dec 16, 2022
I'm making some TAC arrows, Gold Tip Kinetic Pierce Platinum (a buddy was selling them cheap), and was thinking about putting glue in points in instead of running the ballistic collars. In anyone's experience, do you notice much difference in groupings between the 2 style of point systems?
A few of my friends use them at TAC. But they all do target archery competitively. I don’t think any of them use screw in points . None of them lost hardware in foam either .
FYI I’ve never used them personally so my experience is just watching other people .
I can't imagine there being any appreciable difference in how well they would group with glue-in points vs. screw-in plus half-out and collar. If you're wanting a very streamlined arrow, you could use a hidden insert (HIT) and screw-in point. A HIT would allow you to change point weight easily and switch to a broadhead if you ever wanted to hunt with those arrows.
The only real difference would be if you were on the weak side of spine with the factory halfout system/collar and used a longer glue in point that stiffened the spine. If you were using like 125 on the front of the collar and halfout, then used a 160 point, it's going to be pretty long. Whatever those halfouts/collars add upto. Thinking 20/10 or 25/10 but might very well be wrong.
Just an up date, yes I am on the weaker side for the spine, so went with the glue ins and they are grouping amazing down range.
Hot melt them in and you can always take them out. Just started using Kimshaw and Im sold its the best option.
Glue in points make for a great dedicated target arrow.
Glue in points also eliminate having to use inserts, which in turn could lower overall weight... which means weaker spine possibly.

I'll definitely be using glue in points on my next batch of target arrows. It'll let me go to a 300 spine and drop under 500g arrow weight