Getting in touch with Kifaru

If you got fitted at the show, then I'd go with what they told you! They do that for a reason to help people out and get them the right sizes to order!
I wish I could remember what size I tried on at the show. I remember the guy told me to go with the small but I can't remember if the one I tried on was small or medium. I really liked the feel of what I tried on.
I appreciate all the feedback everyone. I got an email back from Kifaru and they recommended a medium belt. That surprised me from the advice on here so I called and talked to a different person and they recommended the small. For the tiebreaker I texted Aaron Snyder and he said small. Based on that and the advice on here I am going with the small.

For the record, they emailed me back a few times pretty quickly and answered the phone when I called this week. I just had bad timing last week I guess. Aaron's phone went straight to voicemail, which was full, but when I texted he texted me back within 5 minutes. Great responses.

In the end I am going with ranger green 26" duplex lite with small straps and small belt, ranger green hoodlum, large belt pouch to run on top of hoodlum, gun bearer to run on right side, and gen 1 water bottle pouch and mini belt pouch on left. Can't wait to get it!
Just an update in case it helps anyone reading this post down the road, I received the pack the other day. The small waist belt was definitely the way to go. When I cinch it down hard I only have 3-4 inches to spare for bottoming out.

I need to get in touch with Kifaru on the shoulder straps to figure out how to adjust them right. I may post this on a new thread as well to see if anyone can help. Again, I am 6'3", 210 but most of my height is in my legs. Torso measurement is 17-1/4". I got small shoulder straps. I am struggling to get the shoulder straps adjusted right. I have them loosened to where the rear edge of the shoulder pad is pulled halfway through the bottom loop on the frame and to get the 3 bar slider on my collarbone I have to have it bottomed out on the forward stitching or it is too far back. I am assuming I don't want to pull it further through to where there is only strap and no pad in the bottom loop on the frame but maybe it doesn't matter. I am kind of wondering if I should have gone with a larger strap size or if I am just not adjusting it right somehow.
Uppercut, no need to call them for a tutorial on how to adjust their shoulder straps. Kifaru has a great video on their website on how to adjust your pack.
Uppercut, no need to call them for a tutorial on how to adjust their shoulder straps. Kifaru has a great video on their website on how to adjust your pack.
I have looked at everything they have put out. It doesn't answer my question. My biggest question at this point is if it will cause a problem to have the shoulder pad pulled all the way through the bottom loop on the frame so there is only strap in that loop.
They usually contact back by very quickly whenever I've emailed them. And admittedly I tend to be a little on the impatient Type-A side, so I take that as a very good compliment of how quickly they return contact. And I've posed very tricky scenarios to Alex regarding problems I'm having with the pack related to how, I think, Covid exacerbated my old tailbone injury, from all the coughing. Been having terrible pain afterward after a day in the field with the pack and bruising bubbling-up and I think it has to do with my injury and possibly the discs developing an issue? And it also seems to have to do with my body not liking me wearing a belt or having anything pressing in upon that area of injury. Alex replied very honestly and with personal anecdotes related to similar pain experiences he ends up having because of a similar condition, and how he makes adjustments accordingly. So with as much as I came to them crying in agony with this issue, and presenting them with a ton of questions and possible theories of why this pain might be happening for me... they've taken great care to respond at length and offer up all the insights I think they could reasonably be expected to have to give. So they get a thumbs up from me.