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Submitted. Residents, when they say "very difficult access" for a lot of those areas, can any of you guys give me a 1-10?
Submitted. Residents, when they say "very difficult access" for a lot of those areas, can any of you guys give me a 1-10?

8. 5000 plus feet from valley floor to some above treeline goat areas. Steep, loose, rocky, lots of exposure, verglas, etc.

Edit: I changed my answer to an 8. I have to believe that I haven't experienced a 10 yet!
The bummer about this one versus the one done in the Olympic National Park is that you can’t keep the horns or cape. That was one of the perks of doing this. And it’s a little late notice. They should have offered this LONG before hunting tags were issued and plans were made. They will still get the groups I’m guessing, but sure is a bummer for a lot of others. Best of luck to those that are chosen. That is steep terrain and lots of predators out there.
Question to you guys who submitted, did you get an email confirming you applied? I applied this morning then they took it down about 10minutes later but never got a confirmation on it.
Question to you guys who submitted, did you get an email confirming you applied? I applied this morning then they took it down about 10minutes later but never got a confirmation on it.
No email for me. If they took it down I'm guessing they hit the 240?

I agree with the above poster who said more notice would've been nice. My fall is booked up and I've commited to hunt with other people for a lot of the GTNP goat dates.
This my neighborhood. They say all the units are difficult access, but some would be FAR more difficult than others to get in and out of with a load. The whole North unit is best accessed by boat...think about that fun detail for Oct. and Nov. in WY.
If you know what you're doing it won't take much googling and e-scouting to figure out what units might fit your needs and interests. Hard pass for me, though for other reasons.
Wow, that went quick, no longer accepting, at least from where I sit. as one who's spent a fair amount of time over a span of 20-years climbing and peak bagging in the Tetons and coupled with a bucket list goal of chasing and tagging out on a mtn goat, this sure is/was rare opportunity to be had. Best of luck to all who got in.
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Has anyone heard back from fish and game on this? I submitted my "application" on August 6th so it's been about two weeks...
Hopefully folks (including me) start hearing soon but it makes a guy wonder if the NPS wants to wait till last second to notify in hopes that no on will be able to go in retribution for being forced into this option.
Hopefully folks (including me) start hearing soon but it makes a guy wonder if the NPS wants to wait till last second to notify in hopes that no on will be able to go in retribution for being forced into this option.

I could see something like that happening. I was kinda wondering the same thing.

Just sent them an email. I’ll post their response when I hear back

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