Looking for a reputable breeder for a German Wirehaired Pointer. Ready for our first family dog! Any help would be appreciated
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Very active set of Drahthaar guys in Alaska. They have group training sessions and have some very nice dogs. I have one drahthaar and number two coming next winter.
Send me a PM and I will give you name and number of a great breeder in ND, west of Fargo. I have owned GWP's , for over 30 yrs now, best breed I have ever hunted with, bar none. My current pup is 4 1/2, great water dog, tracker, pointer, buddy. This breeder has become a good friend, he is NAVDHA judge, serious bird hunter. Here is my pup I have from him.....Looking for a reputable breeder for a German Wirehaired Pointer. Ready for our first family dog! Any help would be appreciated
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