Recommended Lab Breeders for Family Dog in Midwest

Been down the rescue path (2x). Didn’t work out for us. Both had aggression issues which was a no go around small children. Still support that and happy for people when it works out. Anyways, that wasn’t the question posed for the thread.
Understood and good luck! Absolutely no guarantees in life for just about anything! Some rescues both allow and encourage returns if things don`t work out. The good ones around here require trial visits for just this reason. I truly hope you find that good breeder.
Understood and good luck! Absolutely no guarantees in life for just about anything! Some rescues both allow and encourage returns if things don`t work out. The good ones around here require trial visits for just this reason. I truly hope you find that good breeder.

All good, thanks sir!
Adding a wrap up for those who read this down the road and may be interested. We ended up getting an American Lab from a lady up in Michigan. Her breeding operation goes by Rivers Wild Retrievers. So far so good; would not hesitate to recommend her.

The other one I found was Pine Lake Labs in Wisconsin. I spoke to the gentleman up there, and he was awesome. They have Candlewood bloodlines, and they work closely with Mary the retired Candlewood breeder. He talked to me on the phone for a bit, and he offered to answer any questions I had throughout the process even when I told him we wouldn't be buying from him due to timelines - their litters were a ways off, and we were ready to move pretty quickly. All things equal I likely would have gone through them.

Special thank you to @KurtR for vetting the pedigree of our pup and for taking the time to talk with me and answer some questions. Really appreciate your time Kurt!
Adding a wrap up for those who read this down the road and may be interested. We ended up getting an American Lab from a lady up in Michigan. Her breeding operation goes by Rivers Wild Retrievers. So far so good; would not hesitate to recommend her.

The other one I found was Pine Lake Labs in Wisconsin. I spoke to the gentleman up there, and he was awesome. They have Candlewood bloodlines, and they work closely with Mary the retired Candlewood breeder. He talked to me on the phone for a bit, and he offered to answer any questions I had throughout the process even when I told him we wouldn't be buying from him due to timelines - their litters were a ways off, and we were ready to move pretty quickly. All things equal I likely would have gone through them.

Special thank you to @KurtR for vetting the pedigree of our pup and for taking the time to talk with me and answer some questions. Really appreciate your time Kurt!
Your welcome and we need to see some puppy pics !!!
We aren't from the Midwest, as we live in western KY, but we own Shadows of Daybreak Kennels and we do ship! We raise British Labs and have been raising them since 2010. You can check us out at or follow us on Facebook - Shadows of Daybreak Kennels. Thanks!
We got our last one from Torg's Labs in northern MN.

Both of my labs have come from hunting lines and are absolute couch potatoes in the house and have been great with kids. IME hunting labs seem to have an on/off switch that actually works.
We got our last one from Torg's Labs in northern MN.

Both of my labs have come from hunting lines and are absolute couch potatoes in the house and have been great with kids. IME hunting labs seem to have an on/off switch that actually works.
I have ran a bunch of tests with their dogs they have some nice ones.
Can't recommend the folks at over the top retrievers enough. Beth and Her family are amazing and put on a quality operation. If you reach out to them tell them that Eric and Odin sent you.
I have ran a bunch of tests with their dogs they have some nice ones.
Torgs is just down the road from us. Great family and great dogs too. They had a dog named Erik that saved my bacon on a late November day when I sailed a goose clear across a pond and would have had to swim for a long ways in cold cold water before I had a dog. Highly recommend them too. Great people
Torgs is just down the road from us. Great family and great dogs too. They had a dog named Erik that saved my bacon on a late November day when I sailed a goose clear across a pond and would have had to swim for a long ways in cold cold water before I had a dog. Highly recommend them too. Great people
yep steve is a hell of a nice guy. I like sitting and bs at the tests with him
My Lab is from Hyspire and he points so is an all-around dog for upland. Just leaving this for anyone else looking for great labs.

Very friendly dog, great hunter, has actually defended me on a hike too with a weird guy that starting following me around...I was shocked at that since my Lab loves everybody he meets...but he sure did not like that guy. Weird guy went away and I was ever so more thankful for my dog.

But great hunters from Hyspire fwiw. Very muscular dogs, can't wear him out and he's 11...but he doesn't know that...he thinks he's still a pup. Very sweet dog.
Looks like a fine pup, In case anyone else is looking check out Green Acres hunt club, Dan Ihrke is a fine trainer and typically has a line on good dogs.