Gear has become its own entity for me the past 10yrs, prior to that, I didn’t care about gear. I like trying new stuff to a fault. I know that using what you have and being familiar with everything you own is the best path, cheapest path, and most. Practical (ESPECIALLY your weapon and choice of projectiles)
That being said, I know better but like testing gear.
I rarely pay full price for anything, my pack, and bino harness are exceptions, but most things I buy on sale or occasionally used.
I do sell a good amount of gear, but more often give it away to family or whatever. There are things that come up that I want, that I will wait to buy until I can find a deal… a very recent example is the day six dragonfly, I have wanted that knife since released, but I know I can get by fine without it, and it’s not a cheap knife… a few days ago I was offered a good deal on one, and I was all over it.
Boots are something I buy every year on Black Friday sales, clothing I try to buy on sale, and over time, you know when those sales are
Bigger dollar items I will sell if it’s not for me. I just sold my onnex click and bought a like mike 2 (broke even) i need to sell my quivalizer and get a titespot for my backup bow, etc
When the k4 was released, I sold my kifaru, I sold a seek outside and got a k2 a few years ago, I gave my k2 to my brother in law, give my old bows to family members, everyone who hunts in my family has a bino harness from me
I hate selling stuff, but it’s a good way to get new gear, but i give more stuff away than sell