Gear purchase discussion

Buy/sell after season

  • yes

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • no/ hold over the years

    Votes: 52 96.3%

  • Total voters
Getting older, more income, less dependents, ineedthisitis, it’s a process. I could hunt the rest of my life and not buy another thing (including ammo-I shoot about two boxes a year to stay-in-tune) nor garment, just fuel for the truck and sxs. I don’t sell gear, I put it away and maybe use again or scavenge it to make something else better. However, I will upgrade (this year am trying aclima fishnets, a badlands harness “caught on major sale” and bought used swaro slc), I may have a chassis 300 win mag built or buy a Bergera mdt lite (yeah, spare me the why I don’t need a chassis rifle, at least it isn’t a Cheytac). Now, it’s more for me and keeping me warm (I bought a heated vest in the off-season of 22, loved that last year). I may by a waffle merino or thin yak sweater to go over the aclimas, I’ll try what I have I. The chest, the 150 and 250 merino base layer shirts first, maybe the Pendleton wool sweater for moisture absorption. I can see a 3500 or a f450 in the future too.
Did you end up getting a yak sweater?
I'm on the buying second hand train as well, always saves a good bit of money in the end. Usually the only times I willingly upgrade something is if there is significant benefits that would come with it. Might be slightly sentimental towards gear I've had success with as well lol