Gear list for myself and taking new hunters in the backcountry with horses.

Just a term of endearment I use talking about my horses. Can see how that would possibly create some confusion.
I do prefer pack horses to be a bit on the shorter side though, not much over 15 hands if possible and thick.
funny how mine keep getting shorter, too. over the summer i sold off 2 that were 15-2. nothing over 15 h now.

i used like the view from a 16h pony, too.
Yep, odd how that happens.
I do still have a 16.1 saddle horse, but he is a dead broke teddy bear that I use for people that aren’t comfortable on a horse yet.

Well that, and the ladies who want to go for a ride and show up in tight Jeans....
Yep, odd how that happens.
I do still have a 16.1 saddle horse, but he is a dead broke teddy bear that I use for people that aren’t comfortable on a horse yet.

Well that, and the ladies who want to go for a ride and show up in tight Jeans....

I think We could be friends
Just wanted to post a follow up. Had a great trip and got into a lot of deer but only came across one buck big enough to take a shot at and my uncle ended up missing but it was still and awesome moment! No sign of any bears but got to see some new country. Was able to fit everything on one pack horse and each of us carrying our day packs on. Here are some photos. EDC48486-B7F1-4FB4-B999-B8349DC73150.jpeg585C3CA6-5894-4B24-AB4A-FBC77625E9AB.jpeg13C73E8A-9AEE-425C-97CB-8F17B6F6EC5D.jpeg5268F823-751E-4B5A-82C0-D660F9ABCBA9.jpegD9E06E4F-012E-4AE1-A2B5-59B9CA0939C7.jpeg3F616CF7-289B-4A7C-A45E-2B7BC3F89E2A.jpeg1AE600CB-AD81-46CF-87D8-48D488D7E7A3.jpeg