Gas Prices & DIY NR Hunters


Aug 23, 2018
Just going to cut the budget other places; no new gear, no hotels, probably pack meals to eat along the way instead of stopping to eat, cut out a lot of unnecessary spending during the year, sell a kidney, I need to lose weight so maybe skipping a meal a day. I’ll find funds to get there if I draw a tag.


Apr 8, 2020
People like you are what is wrong with humanity; you are more concered with yourself and $2/gallon fuel than you are with women and kids getting killed by an out-of-control autocrat. Fortunately, there are plenty of MEN in this world who selfless, willing to sacrafice and do what is needed when simpletons like you cower and look away.

When you heading to Kiev? Not my nation. Not even in my part of the world. No reason to further impact Americans.
Putin is obviously not a good guy. The sanctions are not hurting Putin in any way. They are hurting the Russian people, the Russian people like you and me. To block Russian oil is pointless, it will just head to china or India. So we feel good about sticking it to Putin but it’s doing nothing. Well that’s not true it is driving instability and increasing crude prices. Which impacts us all in a negative way, so it’s hurting someone just not it’s intended target. Don’t be so emotional.
I don’t like that he invaded Ukraine, but if you try to understand his viewpoint and desires to unify and reestablish the Russian empire, and nato’s eastward expansion this move made sense.
Sucks if you are a Ukrainian.
Furthermore I really doubt Biden would care as much except for he has some family members that are pretty heavily involved and Ukrainian oil and gas.

To bring it back to hunting. It’s not just the tank of fuel you use when you go hunting it’s cumulative effect of paying $30 more to fill up your truck the other 400 times during the year.
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Super tag

Aug 22, 2021
I couldn’t possibly see any justification in murdering thousands of innocent people for any reason or any point of view, and yes, it has affected us, of course, but not by impacting the oil supply just yet, but by impacting the markets, instilling fear and uncertainty and so on, it does have some to do with actual oil but the larger affect is what will really impact our lives and our wallets. No sympathy for a ruthless, crazy killer. That’s just wrong.


Nov 28, 2015
If the last couple of years has taught me anything it is not to take doing what I love for granted. I didn't miss any hunts during those years but it did drive the point home that our time on this planet is limited. I'm sure not going to let gas prices dictate my decision to go hunting. I'll find a way to adjust the budget in less critical areas.

Would gas prices have been better if the world rolled over for Putin? Maybe. But those people are fighting for their freedom, something we in this country can or should relate strongly to. If that means I pay more at the pump for a while so be it.


Mar 16, 2020
Imma gonna put a solar panel on my electric golf cart and go huntin, screw em all… I goes where I wants, Pew-taint can kiss it.

On a separate note, yes, higher gas prices don’t make me happy, but I do plan to hunt in 22 without regard to fuel prices. Might hurt a bit, but more sleeping in the rig vs grabbing a motel could even it out. But the odds are I’ll just pay the $ and move on.


Jan 1, 2015
It's all about robbing Peter to pay Paul at this point. Give up this to pay for that. At least that's what I do.


Jan 14, 2020
Well with the increase in gas prices and the fact that I might have to go solo this year I am starting to second guess putting in for the GMU that I generally try to draw. Might just put in for a higher draw unit so I get a Pref Point and wait to see if I find someone to go along later and possibly just do OTC. Just budgeting the gas and without anyone to split the cost I am looking at at least $900.00 to $1000.00 just for gas. These new Gas prices are going to knock out a few hunters. Good news for the Co locals that hate the DIY NR's hunting but bad news for the DOW who may not get those huge NR license fee's this year.
You driving all the way across the US? i can drive a long damn ways on $1000. I’m not trying to be a dick but if you can’t afford the extra $200 in gas over last year you probably shouldn’t be going to start with but u do you and don’t bitch about it.
yes i know I’m goin to get some kick back but damn really?


Jan 14, 2020
People like you are what is wrong with humanity; you are more concered with yourself and $2/gallon fuel than you are with women and kids getting killed by an out-of-control autocrat. Fortunately, there are plenty of MEN in this world who selfless, willing to sacrafice and do what is needed when simpletons like you cower and look away.
As opposed to what?? The problem with this world is the internet and cell phones not peoples opinions that they never expressed. Pretty easy to sit behind a computer, phone, ipad etc and tell people how to live or what is wrong. if I’m wrong read what I’m saying. Life was much better 30 years ago pre internet.
Still Hunter
Aug 25, 2016
You driving all the way across the US? i can drive a long damn ways on $1000. I’m not trying to be a dick but if you can’t afford the extra $200 in gas over last year you probably shouldn’t be going to start with but u do you and don’t bitch about it.
yes i know I’m goin to get some kick back but damn really?
I was simply making conversation. I got some great feed back. Unfortunately there are always some “dicks” on public forums and the site administrators generally don’t have the time or resources to remove them all. Had a few guys attack one another over Putin, Russia, Gas prices, some guys are also actually looking at the added cost. The idea is to have positive feedback and comments. Not sure what your intent really was. Actually just driving across TEXAS is like driving across half the US. Annual Trip runs about 180 gallons. Gas last year was $680.00, $340 a piece. This year I am projecting it to be $1080. No one to split the cost and that’s an additional $400.00. Not a a really big deal but seeing how I am already driving to Colorado in June for a family vacation and then I will be driving back up three months later it starts to add up. we don’t all have the same resources. I brought it up for discussion. I certainly hope your post above is not indicative of your future positive contributions to the site.if you go back and read my original post I never stated I wasn’t going hunting, just rethinking my game plan.
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Sep 6, 2014
You driving all the way across the US? i can drive a long damn ways on $1000. I’m not trying to be a dick but if you can’t afford the extra $200 in gas over last year you probably shouldn’t be going to start with but u do you and don’t bitch about it.
yes i know I’m goin to get some kick back but damn really?
Many have a hard budget they stick to. 200 to you may be nothing, to another it's significant.


Feb 1, 2014
You driving all the way across the US? i can drive a long damn ways on $1000. I’m not trying to be a dick but if you can’t afford the extra $200 in gas over last year you probably shouldn’t be going to start with but u do you and don’t bitch about it.
yes i know I’m goin to get some kick back but damn really?
No one cares what you do. Literally no one. He'll live his life, and you'll weigh in on it apparently. You're right, life was better pre internet.

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Feb 1, 2014
Rokslide is a very small subset of the overall hunting community. There are outrages when states try to raise license fees by $2 or $3. Just because many of the members on here won't change their plans, doesn't mean that a lot of people will. Gonna be some tough conversations in kitchens when they're trying to convince their wives. Anyone who thinks those conversations won't be happening is in denial.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


Feb 26, 2022
first off new to rokslide. Thanks for all the great info had a buddy turn me to this site. But to comment on this thread just a bit. we have been going west for years and have watched the fuel prices tag prices and equipment in general go up and down and we just kinda go with the flow of things. All we do is prepare for it early and make sure we have a cushion on our budget for stupid high gas prices or equipment failures etc. so i doubt it will effect very many that are half way prepared or responsible. Would I like to see it weed out a few yes but also love seeing “responsible hunters” take advantage of the freedom of being able to hunt public land.


Sep 11, 2018
Res WA ST, winter>Gilbert AZ , NR>AZ, UT, NM, CO.
Tags drawn or OTC, I'm going hunting this fall. Maybe by then, gas prices will lower and stabilize.
However, making cuts to other hunt related expenditures. Already cut my post season 5/7-hour drives for scout-shed trips to 2. Instead of usual 5-6 trips during Feb-Mar-early April.
Have the gear I need and then some. So, thinking thrice before making any more camp-hunt gear purchases.