Game Warden shortage nationwide

I have packed into one particular area for a few decades. I saw the old Warden up there all the time, because he hunted a couple canyons over and was able to drive in through a private road. I loved seeing him in there as he kept the riff raff out (litters). I see the new Warden sometimes and got to meet a different Warden when reporting a poaching incident. All have been very respectful and very professional. I have also met the Wardens in another zone I commonly hunt, again very professional. Every one of the out of state Wardens I have met have been the same.
I've never had an interaction with a game warden while hunting here in VA. It's been at least 20 years since I've been checked while fishing, but those encounters were all positive.

I've hunted a little and fished a lot in WV and have never seen one over there.
Being a GW was a goal of mine for a long time, what I didn't count on was the requirements to become a GW and more specifically, the education requirements. I graduated with a Criminal Justice Degree thinking I could have many doors open with that to include the GW position. Wrong. Little did I know that at the time, KS required a degree with a focus on biology or something along those lines and CJ degree didn't count. Same with multiple other states. Didn't do my due diligence and enough career research I guess! So I licked my wounds and went another direction, now in federal enforcement after a decade in the military. I feel that a lot of states missed out on a lot of quality applicants with this requirement over a long period of time, from those who were LE but didn't want to get a specific biology degree to those who do have a biology degree and wanted nothing to do with LE.

Now agencies are playing catch up. I know some states have changed their educational requirements, KS included, to bring in a larger pool of applicants. I know not all states have had this problem, unfortunately the states I was willing to move too did. I don't think this shortage is going to change anytime soon. I do wish agencies would put more of a focus on transitioning service members with LE experience, I know a lot of my fellow veterans who would love this job but lack 100% of the requirements.
Used to go to church with one, used to pheasant hunt with another where I grew up in CO. Different times I guess. The two I have met there most recently were both pros, I have the utmost respect for that.

I’ve known our local Alaska Wildlife Trooper for a long time, good dude. Even cut me a break once when I was guiding and a customer left his license at the lodge. It was my ass but he let us go get it. He gets to fly their airplanes and drive their boats. Pretty nice gig if you ask me. He’s the first guy out there looking for someone that’s lost, capsized, etc., and it seems like it’s never a nice day or light outside when that’s going on.
Put me down as never having had a negative experience with a game warden. I've made a two mistakes (forgot to sign my duck stamp and had a fish that was outside of a slot limit that I wasn't aware of) and I've never had one give me a hard time about it. I've been stopped more during holidays on the lakes than I have been hunting.
I cannot remember her name. We were just south of Casper. Very pleasant experience.

If you just south of Casper maybe it could have been the wildlife biologist. The wildlife biologist that handles that area is a female. The biologists and wardens wear the same uniforms; the only exception is the game wardens wear a badge. The biologists are often mistaken for game wardens because they drive very similar pick-ups and wear the same uniform.

If it was the wildlife biologist I can see why you would say it was a "very pleasant experience". I have known her for many years and she is a quality person.

Why would anyone want to work long hours in a dangerous job for no money? On top of that most states treat them poorly. They work a ton of overtime and rarely get paid for it. Most of the time they are required to take it in leave rather than being paid.
I do wish agencies would put more of a focus on transitioning service members with LE experience, I know a lot of my fellow veterans who would love this job but lack 100% of the requirements.
We require A 4 year degree with at least 18 Credit Hours in a hard/ environmental science OR Crim Justice. For all vets and prior LE (at least 3 years LE experience) it Drops to 60 credit hours over all but still 18 creds in the required field. We also DON’T have an age cap unlike any other agency in the State. If you can make it through a 29 week live in academy (longest in the state) what difference does it make How old you are.

Vets also get preference points and disabled vets get double preference points.
Let me see......

The worst job in the world is to be a law enforcement officer.....
you deal with people for all sorts of reasons but usually because somebody messed up.

The job worse than that is to be a liquor inspector....
you deal with people who are usually under the influence, usually at night and some are carrying weapons.

The ultimate worse job is being a Game Warden.....
you deal with people who are usually under the influence, almost always at night and all of the people you approach are carrying weapons.
We require A 4 year degree with at least 18 Credit Hours in a hard/ environmental science OR Crim Justice. For all vets and prior LE (at least 3 years LE experience) it Drops to 60 credit hours over all but still 18 creds in the required field. We also DON’T have an age cap unlike any other agency in the State. If you can make it through a 29 week live in academy (longest in the state) what difference does it make How old you are.

Vets also get preference points and disabled vets get double preference points.

KS changed their requirements to nearly mimic the ones you stated to include the preference. It wasn't that way when I was applying before the military. I still consider the career change.
I wanted the job and honestly still do. I was a wildlife and fisheries major with a range double and business minor. At the time I wanted in, there were 100s of applicants for every opening and if you didn't have a military background, you just weren't getting in. I'm almost 50 now and have only worked for 2 companies in my adult life- not likely to make a change now.
Sounds like what’s happening in a lot of public sectors. Police, fire ems, all the same. Can’t find people. Pay is not increasing at the rate it should, benefits are disappearing. Crap live in requirements pit you against the odds off the bad. Significant education required for a job that pays what the factory pays a high school graduate down the road. Responsibility, the possibility of a mistake costing you more than your job. No wonder nobody wants to be a cop, game warden or first responder. If people knew how the the American public treats first responders, and what first responders have to deal with...... nobody would do the job.

Anyways rant over, Iv had a few interactions with game wardens, all positive though I didn’t appreciate being treated like a criminal by undercover guys at the truck after doing nothing wrong. That said I know there are bad apples in every bunch. I try to stay on the right side of the line, treat everyone I come across with respect and it seems to always work out well. I for one wish there were more good game wardens out there. Amazing how some of the people in the woods treat hunting and the land they are using.

It’s only a matter of time before there is nobody that wants to do the job.
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If you just south of Casper maybe it could have been the wildlife biologist. The wildlife biologist that handles that area is a female. The biologists and wardens wear the same uniforms; the only exception is the game wardens wear a badge. The biologists are often mistaken for game wardens because they drive very similar pick-ups and wear the same uniform.

If it was the wildlife biologist I can see why you would say it was a "very pleasant experience". I have known her for many years and she is a quality person.

You are probably right. She aged the animal and measures the length of horns. Then a couple guys rolled in. They check the tag of the shooter. We asked if they would like to see ours and they said nope you guys are good. The guys were super nice and professional as well.
I know a tons of folks are deterred from pursuing a career as a warden because of the crazy amount of competition to get a job for one. That doesn't align with the article. Must be a regional thing, because I dont think they are hurting in the slightest for eager applicants in MN/ND/MT. Funding for more wardens might be another story.

good place as any to post. Some stories slip through the headlines in this crazy world. But true heroes do exist and should be remembered. RIP Officer Julian Keen who died just trying to do the right thing while not even on duty.

Officer Julian Keen (End of Watch 06/22/20)
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I am a park ranger and work closely with our local warden. I've also had a few interactions with wardens out and about and between all my experiences with them, I have nothing but respect for them. I deal with plenty of problem people, but the level of stress goes up dramatically when there are weapons around. Half of the people wardens talk to are toting guns.

Even when they are crabby with me, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. For all I know, the last guy they dealt with was a gigantic jerk and a safety risk.

On a related note, one of the big reasons I went ranger over warden was the ability to enjoy fishing and hunting seasons! We are busy in the summer, but I can take time off in the fall and winter. I feel for all the wardens that are fighting the good fight AND aren't able to enjoy their own resources.

good place as any to post. Some stories slip through the headlines in this crazy world. But true heroes do exist and should be remembered. RIP Officer Julian Keen who died just trying to do the right thing while not even on duty.

View attachment 199808
Officer Julian Keen (End of Watch 06/22/20)

Terrible. RIP
All of my interactions with WDFW have been great, they have a tough job and do it well. We get asked for our licenses several times each year (fishing) and most of the time we don't even have to stop trolling, they come along side and ask how we're doing. One time I got a strike while they were next to us and they were as excited as I was. MT same story, quality people.
It's a shame that the insanity in the country right now is trying to brain wash people into thinking all police officers are bad. Sad and crazy.
This and what Zap said.

The federal ones down here are pretty nice but state officers are more likely to try and do a strip search.

We see some down here while fishing. For whatever reason the guys out in the boat all day are always pissed about something and nasty.
Cause its always hotter than the 3rd level of hell down there.