Game Warden Job Listing

Sorry for the confusion.

I personally just get tired of the "well your benefits..." when you say something about the low pay for government jobs. I will always say I work for the government because of the benefits, they are important but the pay has to be there for people to be able to live.

I hate it because its the reason that government employees suck. Like I stated earlier, anyone worth something leaves to go make more money and the crappy ones stay and get the same raise as everyone else each year. Government employees could be so much better if they paid better and could hold people accountable.
I don’t really want to participate more in derailing this thread.

When I have time after work today, I’ll start a new thread about this topic

It really is an interesting discussion, and everybody has different perspectives on it
Holy Cow, my Dad retired as a Game Warden in Alabama 20 years ago and I think his retirement is more than the job posted. lol wtf?
My wife watched those house buying and remodeling shows on tv. Back in the Midwest/Mississippi River corridor they will be showing a 2500 sq.ft house with paved drive on 20 forested acres and say $300k for the works. LOL
On the west coast that place would be $800k+ easy if not $1M.

I always wonder what does a 2x4 cost in Kentucky?
Shoot man in Co that is a 1-5 million dollar home depending on where those acres are at. Currently a place on 5 acres with 2500sq finished is listed at 3.1 mil… I always wonder where the heck those people are coming from who are buying a place like that. Used to be 500k- 1 million bought you a real big house and maybe some land, not no more, need 3ish million for that, and let me tell you wages have not kept up with inflation even a little bit
You ever worked for the Government? Thats not the way it works. Your reward for doing a good job is someone elses job. So then you leave and someone less competent gets in the job and sits because they cant go anywhere. Its why Government employees suck. The good ones get pushed out and the bad ones get rewarded.
Spot on described my time in the Army, competence was rewarded with more work, those guys gtfo cause they can, idiots just steal oxygen and promote….
I applied to be a state trooper twice. On the second time a guy that interviewed told me that I would have better if I had a degree, military history or time on a police department or sheriff department.

Out of curiosity what do you guys that are saying "how do people live off of that" make?
For the State Trooper I don't think Alaska has the requirement for a degree and I think it pays well.

I am happy to chat privately in PM's about compensation, but the general path I took was regional level grad school, to tech consulting, to F50 company. Work sucks but that is generally true most places - and pay is good.
I agree with previous comments on the 4 year degree. The starting pay isn’t good, the benefits are pretty good. But asking someone to have a 4 year degree for the position is sad. That requirement devalues the pay a lot. I would like to know what the ceiling is on salary for that job currently. Starting at $23/hour isn’t terrible if you could get to $35/hour in the first 3 years.
A lot of times govt job descriptions says a 4 year degree or equivalent DOQ.

If interested or qualified, give it a shot
From front range of Co… (west side) born and raised. That 23 bucks an hour is what a lot of Wendy’s and Chick-fil-A are paying. I actually have no clue how about anyone makes it here anymore. Average starter home even with these rates is 550-600k. Groceries doubled from 2019 to now, gas is 3.50ish, new truck will set you back 50k. I’m a fireman for a big dept which used to be one of the top paying in the country… not any more, and make 98k, only 2 reasons I can live in my home state (comfortably) is I purchased a starter home for 350k in 2018 & refinancesd to 2.25 % in 2022and my wife is a boss who owns her own company and crushes it. I imagine Utah is pretty bad, Co has top inflation in the nation and we are like top 5 in most expensive places to live. (Thanks a lot you worthless coasties and greedy corps who skyrocketed housing prices)
Surely best in class will mean a raise soon though