Fort Collins vs Southern WY

FC is a pretty nice location. I'd much prefer living around there/ LaPorte area. WY gives you options, but Cheyenne, no way. I also couldn't see living North of FC along the 25 corridor.
FC is a pretty nice location. I'd much prefer living around there/ LaPorte area. WY gives you options, but Cheyenne, no way. I also couldn't see living North of FC along the 25 corridor.
I agree that FC is nice. What are the negatives with Cheyenne in your opinion?
I know there's drugs everywhere, I know there's crime everywhere, but Cheyenne is not the town it use to be, it is not a small big town like it once was. Murders have been come an unfortunate common, burglaries, and while the revamp of the missile silo's for the air force will be good financially, it will look like the wild freaking wild West here when that happens. Everyone and their grandma looking to make a quick dollar anyway they can, and you know what affects that has on a town and a community.
I work outside in the wind, I've had to wear ski goggles to keep the sand out of my eyes, we've had truck doors folded over on many a work trucks, the wind is very real, I have no idea why, but the wind doesn't bother me at all. But I've had neighbors leave for the one and only reason of the wind.
I know there's drugs everywhere, I know there's crime everywhere, but Cheyenne is not the town it use to be, it is not a small big town like it once was. Murders have been come an unfortunate common, burglaries, and while the revamp of the missile silo's for the air force will be good financially, it will look like the wild freaking wild West here when that happens. Everyone and their grandma looking to make a quick dollar anyway they can, and you know what affects that has on a town and a community.
I work outside in the wind, I've had to wear ski goggles to keep the sand out of my eyes, we've had truck doors folded over on many a work trucks, the wind is very real, I have no idea why, but the wind doesn't bother me at all. But I've had neighbors leave for the one and only reason of the wind.
Murders? That number hasn’t changed in over 20 years. There’s usually less than 3 a year. Sometimes zero and sometimes 4.
You'll definitely have people try to sell you random junk from the trunk of their car at the gas stations late at night, but I never felt unsafe in Cheyenne. A guy did get shot down the street from the house in front of the auto shop there, so we had to go the back way to leave that day. There always seemed to be a stabbing at the bar right there, but my line of thinking is that typically stays self contained and if you're not going to that bar you're probably gonna avoid all that noise. Same for any "big" city.
This could really cinch your decision

Murders? That number hasn’t changed in over 20 years. There’s usually less than 3 a year. Sometimes zero and sometimes 4.

Go check out the Cheyenne PD for facts. There's been 3 or 4 shootings this year, and a few have lead to deaths, so of them were the PD shooting the person that shot other people, but this was not a common occurrence 10+years ago.
Go check out the Cheyenne PD for facts. There's been 3 or 4 shootings this year, and a few have lead to deaths, so of them were the PD shooting the person that shot other people, but this was not a common occurrence 10+years ago.
PM sent. I disagree still with this statement. And I have factual reasons to disagree that I won’t post here.
There's plenty of meth and fentanyl in Cheyenne. Usually high property crime, low violent crime. But dope has never been more prevalent, drive around downtown...can't swing a dead cat without hitting a junky.

I literally don’t see it, and I live and work near there every day. Sounds like you are describing a completely separate reality. Do you work/live in Cheyenne?

What don't you see? The junkies or the dope itself?
I guess I’m glad I don’t see Cheyenne through your eyes. I see way more of that type of stuff in FC and way more the closer I get to Denver.

…and I have been known to swing a rope pretty good but I’m far less experienced with dead cats.
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I guess I’m glad I don’t see Cheyenne through your eyes. I see way more of that type of stuff in FC and way more the closer I get to Denver.
Yeah there's definitely a meth thing going on, all those "normies" who don't hunt or fish gotta do something to kill time and there ain't much going on in Cheyenne otherwise. My sons lived on the South side not far from the i80/i25 interchange. I liked to shop at the Safeway there and hit the liquor store next door. I saw it repeatedly, obviously worse after dark. Got approached a few times as well. I never felt threatened though, seem like harmless meth heads, but then I don't make a habit of being a vulnerable target. I wish I could remember what the one guy was trying to sell me out of his trunk at the gas station, I remember it was hilarious and obviously stolen. Is it Denver, lol of course not, but it's there. Having said all that, it's everywhere it's not something we can run away from really.
Yeah there's definitely a meth thing going on, all those "normies" who don't hunt or fish gotta do something to kill time and there ain't much going on in Cheyenne otherwise. My sons lived on the South side not far from the i80/i25 interchange. I liked to shop at the Safeway there and hit the liquor store next door. I saw it repeatedly, obviously worse after dark. Got approached a few times as well. I never felt threatened though, seem like harmless meth heads, but then I don't make a habit of being a vulnerable target. I wish I could remember what the one guy was trying to sell me out of his trunk at the gas station, I remember it was hilarious and obviously stolen. Is it Denver, lol of course not, but it's there. Having said all that, it's everywhere it's not something we can run away from really.
Nah man, doesn't exist. Cheyenne = Mayberry
“You'll definitely have people try to sell you random junk from the trunk of their car at the gas stations late at night, but I never felt unsafe in Cheyenne.”
This is the truth… I stopped for gas at exit 12 off i25 in Cheyenne at like 1 am on my way back from Casper. A guy approached me as I pumped gas and sold me a laptop for 20$, had some story about trying to make it somewhere and need gas.