For you guys running Foxpros. What sounds do you use

Great info, Keep it coming.
Im still new to the Predator hunting and it seems like it and trapping are a dying art around here at home. I just want to do it for something to do in the winter time months and get rid of some predators so our Deer and Turkey population isnt hit hard
A lot of folks like calling because it’s more active and you get to shoot, sometimes at long range which I think everyone enjoys. If predator control is what you’re after, trapping is 100% the way to go. You can have a lot more success in reducing the population with good consistent trap sets than with calling.

Coyotes learn from calling pretty quickly. That’s why most guys who have consistent success only call a property a few times a year. Eventually they’ll get smart and wait a really, really long time before they come in. After you’re long gone. With a trap, it’s always there waiting. So even if they don’t come in for 14 hours, it’s still there waiting for them.