Football fans???

Green Bay ....Green Bay..😂😂 Yous guys won't win a Stupidbowl for another 20 years. And Detroit is gonna fold. Don't have any LA love but Stafford is gonna pick Detroit apart.

Go year. 🤦🏼
Unfortunately, we say that most years. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. I will continue to root for Chicago, unashamedly, but I can't say with any confidence that I'll really ever be happy about it again.

Unfortunately so true on both accounts. 😢 When the '85 Bears won, my friend's dad said enjoy it fully cause it will probably be the last one they win in your lifetime. I hate to think he was right. It seems "crazy" to me that a large market team with a fan-base and history like the Bear's can't be more competitive.

I would say "Go Hawks...Go Bulls!" but I think they're already gone. But spring training is just around the corner and it IS next year so..."Go Cubs!"
Flacco did Flacco things today

Yes...yes he did.

Although I think Miami was a better overall team, I'm glad KC (...and the Sunshine band a.k.a. Taylor Swift) won. As a Bears fan I have a neverending grudge against Miami.

Today and Monday should hold more football fun and adventure!
2 duds so far, blowouts at that. I don't bet, but the big casinos generally aren't wrong. Last line I saw was 2 to 1 that half the road teams would win, only 4 games left.
Go Pack Go!
The Texans/Browns game was awesome! And I'm not really a fan of either team.
I agree. A rookie QB and coach in a playoff game and they spanked, and I mean spanked, the favored team? And CJ just might be the real deal. Certainly played great yesterday.

I agree. A rookie QB and coach in a playoff game and they spanked, and I mean spanked, the favored team? And CJ just might be the real deal. Certainly played great yesterday.

He is the real deal. What's even more impressive is that his dad was basically non existent in his life to my knowledge. He is serving a multi decade sentence in prison. CJ is not only successful, but he seems like a pretty intelligent/level headed kid.

Here we go!

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heading down to Lions game right now…first home playoff game in my adult life and I am not exactly young. it’s been a long time…

gonna be a tough game, can’t call it. hopefully the Lions don’t do Lions type things…