Floorless in colorado

You just lost any weight savings adding a stove. And you can have a stove in a tent with a floor. I have two floored tents with stove jacks.

let’s look at the advantages of a floorless tent:

1). Squirrels/rodents can get it along with all the bugs

2). It’s awesome setting it up when it’s been raining all day. Climb into that floorless shelter to the nice wet ground

3) All your shit will get dirt on it because you have no floor.

4) You can shit right where you sleep. You might as well because rest your hunt is going to shit because you can’t handle carrying 8 oz more for a floored setup

5). You can look down at people that use floored tents to only one day grow older and wiser and just take a floored tent

6). You can use the word “run” when talking about your tent.

I know you think I’m a floorless hater but like I said 90% of the time I use floorless. But it’s not the best choice, ever.

lets look at the advantages of a floored tent:

1) everything
I can see the sharks circling as I type lol
I have a Nallo 3. It's nice having all the room with a 4 season fly! It doesn't weigh much....especially if you split the fly/poles up with a buddy!
I've never been interested in floorless in New Mexico. Then this happened in my buddy's tent 25' away when his 9 year old left the tent open in the Gila Wilderness last month. What a way to wake up in the middle of the night. Sealed the deal on no floorless ever for me.

Screenshot_20200717-204740.png Colorado is close enough to here that I'd rule it out there, too.
I hunt Kansas every November. It is a floorless tip with a wood stove. That shelter is way better and way more convenient than any floored shelter.

We used the same shelter moose hunting in Alaska. Again, it was better than any floored shelter.

Anyone who tells you different, doesn't know what they are talking about

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i have 5 shelters, 2 have floors and 3 do not. personally the 2 with floors have not been unpacked since 1989 when one went to alaska.

now i do go turkey hunting with a bud in arkansas that takes a floored tipi because of the chiggers. skeeters have never been and issue in Alaska or Canada or Arkansas.

ok, edit

somewhere in the late 80s i had a nice 4 season tent [new]. the weather was awful either sleet rain or snow. just a few inches of snow each night but we still had to scrape it away from the tent. each time we entered the snow and dirt collected on the floor. we kept 2 old t shirts there to wipe up the water and dirt. after 3 days or so i got mad and punched a hole in the floor with my knife and the water drained out. floorless from then on.
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I've never been interested in floorless in New Mexico. Then this happened in my buddy's tent 25' away when his 9 year old left the tent open in the Gila Wilderness last month. What a way to wake up in the middle of the night. Sealed the deal on no floorless ever for me.

View attachment 198231 Colorado is close enough to here that I'd rule it out there, too.

In a floorless, the snake would have just slithered out the other side instead of becoming trapped.
The last three trips I’ve taken I’ve had a mouse inside the tent. Two times he had to chew through a floor, one was floorless. Take that for what it’s worth.
The last three trips I’ve taken I’ve had a mouse inside the tent. Two times he had to chew through a floor, one was floorless. Take that for what it’s worth.

The only time I’ve had damage from a mouse was in a floored tent. He got in through a partially open zipper and then chewed his way back out. At least that’s what my “detective skills” lead me to think. I’m sure mice get into the floorless tent often but they must look around and head back out.

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The floorless purists should rip out the floors in their homes if floorless is such a good option 😂
I've never been interested in floorless in New Mexico. Then this happened in my buddy's tent 25' away when his 9 year old left the tent open in the Gila Wilderness last month. What a way to wake up in the middle of the night. Sealed the deal on no floorless ever for me.

View attachment 198231 Colorado is close enough to here that I'd rule it out there, too.
Banded Rock snake, I was just reading that they hunt mostly in the day. What concerns me is the night time hunters following a mouse scent into the tipi, could you imagine a mouse sitting on your bag while your sleeping and a 6' rattler takes him out on top of you!
I use a floorless in NM and I hang out in the Gila so i imagine it's only a matter of time, so far I've only encountered a bunch of gnarly spiders (a couple of them were black widows) and a frog.
Warm Weather = floor and all sealed up
Cold weather = floorless and stove
I hate spiders, everything else can crawl where it wants.
You just lost any weight savings adding a stove. And you can have a stove in a tent with a floor. I have two floored tents with stove jacks.

let’s look at the advantages of a floorless tent:

1). Squirrels/rodents can get it along with all the bugs

2). It’s awesome setting it up when it’s been raining all day. Climb into that floorless shelter to the nice wet ground

3) All your shit will get dirt on it because you have no floor.

4) You can shit right where you sleep. You might as well because rest your hunt is going to shit because you can’t handle carrying 8 oz more for a floored setup

5). You can look down at people that use floored tents to only one day grow older and wiser and just take a floored tent

6). You can use the word “run” when talking about your tent.

I know you think I’m a floorless hater but like I said 90% of the time I use floorless. But it’s not the best choice, ever.

lets look at the advantages of a floored tent:

1) everything
Dying right now
You just lost any weight savings adding a stove. And you can have a stove in a tent with a floor. I have two floored tents with stove jacks.

let’s look at the advantages of a floorless tent:

1). Squirrels/rodents can get it along with all the bugs

2). It’s awesome setting it up when it’s been raining all day. Climb into that floorless shelter to the nice wet ground

3) All your shit will get dirt on it because you have no floor.

4) You can shit right where you sleep. You might as well because rest your hunt is going to shit because you can’t handle carrying 8 oz more for a floored setup

5). You can look down at people that use floored tents to only one day grow older and wiser and just take a floored tent

6). You can use the word “run” when talking about your tent.

I know you think I’m a floorless hater but like I said 90% of the time I use floorless. But it’s not the best choice, ever.

lets look at the advantages of a floored tent:

1) everything

LOL With advantages like those who needs to even look at the disadvantages!

So you're a happy camper 10% of the time?
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LOL With advantages like those who needs to even look at the disadvantages!

So you're a happy camper 10% of the time?

Lol. That’s what I was thinking. If floorless is so horrible why do it 90% of the time.

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It’s the internet, don’t take anything serious. Except floorless tents. They seriously suck.

calm down Fred.

And regarding me owning the floorless tents. Please everyone learn from my mistakes! Get a floor!
People love to hear well thought out and well written replies to gear. Yours have not met that level of expectation. I have both the Seek Outside Eolus and DST Tarps and have used them enough to like them very much as ultralight floorless shelters.
They both have their place. IMO, the question is do I need a stove. If the answer is yes, then i go floorless. Otherwise, I will take a double walled tent. In September In Colorado, I wouldn’t take a stove. I’m not even taking a stove in mid-October. But, I will only be at about 7K feet. In October at 10K+, I would take the stove/go floorless.