I can see the sharks circling as I type lolYou just lost any weight savings adding a stove. And you can have a stove in a tent with a floor. I have two floored tents with stove jacks.
let’s look at the advantages of a floorless tent:
1). Squirrels/rodents can get it along with all the bugs
2). It’s awesome setting it up when it’s been raining all day. Climb into that floorless shelter to the nice wet ground
3) All your shit will get dirt on it because you have no floor.
4) You can shit right where you sleep. You might as well because rest your hunt is going to shit because you can’t handle carrying 8 oz more for a floored setup
5). You can look down at people that use floored tents to only one day grow older and wiser and just take a floored tent
6). You can use the word “run” when talking about your tent.
I know you think I’m a floorless hater but like I said 90% of the time I use floorless. But it’s not the best choice, ever.
lets look at the advantages of a floored tent:
1) everything