Fixed 7 pin to 3-5 pin adjustable any regrets?

I just went from a 5pin MBG rush sight to a MBG 3 pin pure series site and only wish I had done it sooner!
I've been shooting a single pin HHA and just ordered a MBG Ascent 3 pin slider. The single pin bothered me when hunting. Unless the animal was at 20 I had to move my pin (extra step in the process cost me some shot ops). Now I will still have an uncluttered sight picture & have 3 fixed pins 20,30,40 (normal game shot distances for me in the deer stand) and the ability to go further on targets that, because they are further away, allow for more movement (adjusting the bottom pin). I'm sure it will take a little getting used to but in theory it sounds like the best of both worlds to me.:D
Have a MBG 4 pin head on an Ascent slider/dovetail base for 3rd axis tuning.
20, 30, 40yd. pins are .019"
50yd. pin is .010", and used for dialing in longer ranges.

Feel its relevant to add that I'm shooting 520gr arrows from a 70# bow, so there's enough pin spacing to not be cluttered & blurry. And that bottom 'slider' pin available for practice shooting at longer distances is very nice to have!
I went from a fix 5 pin to a 3 pin slider over a decade ago. I remember loving the swap at the time, but I can't even remember what it was like shooting a fix 5 anymore! I don't see me changing what I have anytime soon. However, the two pin vertical option from SH right now (Fast Eddie) does have some appeal to me. If both pins where adjustable I'd like it more. But I love my 3 pin slider...
I had a 7 pin tommy Hogg and went to a single pin Hogg father. About the most extreme jump you could have, and no regrets.