fishing lures on Amazon?

Does anyone know if these will work on western rivers for trophy trout?

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Haha. This is great. I actually received these as a "gag" Christmas gift a couple years ago. Took them out bass fishing a couple of times.....didn't get any nibbles or bites, but it was fun dragging that big chode lure through the water a whole bunch. It was almost like trolling in the younger years, with a big dangler hanging out, just waiting for a bite. The last one of these lures I tied on to the braided line it snapped the line and the lure went sailing off into the lake and landed with a loud "thunk" like a torpedo heading down into the bottom of the lake. I'd recommend the larger size, worked really well for me when I really wanted to toss it out there and get some distance! It would have been cool for a bass to hammer it and get a deepthroat hookset, but alas it wasn't meant to be. Enjoy!!!