First time reloading 6.5 CM


Oct 30, 2019
Arroyo Grande Ca
Brand new Tikka T3x cleaned and torqued to spec with nail polish
Maven RS1.2 scope SRS rail Warne Mountain Tech Rings
New Peterson brass
147 ELD-M
Fed 210 primers seated with Forster priming tool
2.825 COAL
Loaded left to right 40, 40.5, 41, 41.5, 42 H4350
Didn’t have the chronograph handy at the time
Shot the 40 and 40.5 in the bank out the back door and the last three at a target the next day since I was sighting in my 300wm.
Slightly harder bolt lift on 42 grns
I see marks on the brass for 41.5 and 42
I have 100 new pieces of Peterson brass and 400 147’s.
Which load do you suggest based on the brass to finish out the first 100 rounds
Thanks. IMG_5353.jpegIMG_5354.jpegIMG_5355.jpegIMG_5356.jpegIMG_5357.jpegIMG_5358.jpeg
Load 10 at 41.0 and shoot a group at 100 yards. If the group is 1.25” or less and the velocity is acceptable to you, roll on. If the group or velocity is not acceptable, try a different bullet or powder combo.
I don't personally see any mark on the brass that would make me pull back on the charge. I run 42.2gn of H4350 with a 130gn VLD-h
try one or 2 other appropriate powders with a ladder like you did with 4350. pick the one with the most consistent groups and acceptable velocity. As has been said nothing in your first ladder looks concerning. Really need a chronograph to help you draw good conclusions with your ladders and where max might be for your rifle.
Thanks all I did notice the ejector marks on those three as well after I looked at the pictures closer. Gonna load up 10 at 41 and chrono and will report back. Here is the group for 41, 41.5, and 42. IMG_5350.jpeg
I wouldn't run over 41.5 in Peterson brass. Ejectors start marking and bolt gets stiff at that level and above for me. Same story for starline.
Ejector marks are a sign to look for over pressure as well as keeping an eye on the primer. I would go with the charge that gives you the best groups. So when I do load development I start with what the book gives for loads and see what gives the best group. If none work for me I try a different bullet and/or powder. If I like the results I will take the best group and will start with that load 5 thousands off the lands, then 10 thousands off the lands and etc. to see if I can get that group to tighten up even more. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t and that’s where trying different powder or bullet comes in.
Thank you for all the replies, I do remember reading that about Tikkas and Peterson brass. I will try and get out this weekend and shoot some more loads and will report back with chrono numbers and more pictures of brass! This is my first time reloading anything and I am enjoying it!
I’d load 10 at 40.5 and 10 at 41. Test for velocity and accuracy.

Ejector marks can also happen on improperly sized brass. Either headspaced too long or too short. Are you measuring the length of fired brass, base to shoulder datum with your headspace comparator? And then bumping back .001-.002”?
My tikka ejector swipes even factory ammo that is chambered but not fired. Either way, 41.5 is a go to load for the 140 eld, logically you'll probably need to drop a bit of powder for the 147. I'd load 10 at 41 to try
I’d load 10 at 40.5 and 10 at 41. Test for velocity and accuracy.

Ejector marks can also happen on improperly sized brass. Either headspaced too long or too short. Are you measuring the length of fired brass, base to shoulder datum with your headspace comparator? And then bumping back .001-.002”?
I have not measured or sized any fired brass as these were the first 5 I fired but I will this week. When I spoke with Peterson they said their brass was gtg out of the box to prime, dump powder, and seat bullet so that is what I have done so far.
For what it’s worth, I had a 260 barrel with a tight/short chamber and no matter what powder charge I used from book minimum on up, I would get ejector marks with new brass unless I sized it down a few thou. After which I could then run it up over max with no marks.
Are you wanting best accuracy or best speed? My gun shoots best at 40.1gr. Granted I’m only getting about 2710fps but can put them in one hole if I do my part.

I start noticing pressure signs at 41.5 usually. But I’m running 140 Berger Hybrids in Lapua brass.

Point is, don’t always need the highest load for best accuracy.