First Boar


Feb 26, 2024
This was my youngest son’s first Boar. We were sitting on a food plot Friday evening waiting on one of several bucks to show when this boar showed up walking directly to the stand. After I verified it wasn’t one of the black bear cubs we’ve been seeing, I told him it was a big pig that he could shoot it if he wanted to. He’s always talked about wanting to shoot a big pig and he had the safety off and shot before I could even get my phone up for a video. It dropped at the shot. I asked where he shot it at since it was walking right at us. He said “well it put its head down to eat, so I shot it right between the ears.” 268 pounds with good cutters, he was pretty excited. It sounds weird to say, but this was the prettiest pig I’ve ever seen, he was jet black, shiny, without a spot or blemish on him. I wish I had the $$ to have a full body mount done. As it is we’re only able to get the teeth, apparently a .243 at 65 yds will split a skull in half if you hit it in the right spot lol.




Congrats to your son, that’ll be a memory you’ll never forget. Also, that’s a big ole pig!