having grown up here, and having fought fire for a few years myself as well as being very good friends with people still in the fire biz I can say that though fire is not unexpected the way these fires are behaving is dramatically unexpected. And the places we are seeing fires is very much unexpected. Coastal areas that are normally locked in with fog and drizzle like big basin and Pt Reyes. Those places do not burn. A really good fire capt friend of mine that has been doing this for thirty years was telling me how fires that 25 years ago he would have handled with an engine and a hand crew are now blowing up faster than he can get the call out. 1/4 acre fires that he used to handle easily are blowing up and getting into canopy far earlier than normal. Everything is so damn dry. He was talking how he watched a small pine tree 50 yards from a small half acre fire just explode. That is something that used to take much more extensive fire. Now the trees are gassing off and torching so much earlier in the fire. Every fire fighter i know tells the same story. Just absolutely unbelievable fire behavior. Hearing the same out of Colorado and Oregon and Arizona. And more lightning expected Sunday. Lets hope there is a shit ton of rainfall with it.California on fire! Not exactly unexpected, but I truly hope all members houses and property is spared!!