Firearm carry options in Archery


Nov 27, 2018
Auburn, CA
Gonna be the first time hunting in Grizz country this year, so will be packing a side arm. I’m wondering what the different options are for carrying them, and the advantage of each. At this point, I am running XO mountain gear four pack, so thinking about an ivory holster, but then it is on the pack if the pack is not with me, neither is my side. That Karri is going to be a bit problematic with a vinyl harness, and one of those carriers that dangle off the bottom of the vinyl harness seem a little unwheel. So I’m curious as to , how people practically implemented this, and opinions on the different method.
under my bino harness. i think i have a marsupial gear universal holster that molles under my harness. I recommend messing around with a few different options. for me chest draw is more comfortable as i can still use my waist belt. And results in quicker for engagement FOR ME. your mileage may vary.
Thigh holster is a good option.
Thigh holster may be an option but. in my use case ive found that from beep to first trigger squeeze chest is faster. its easier to have a few shots of before you're fully presented. which is valuable both in a gun fight and a fight with a bear.
Chest using gunfighters chest rig under my harness has been best option for me. Also the gunfighter chest rig w holster is top notch quality.

Attaching a holster to the bottom of the bino harness hangs down too low and is annoying to me at 5’10”, slim(ish) with a long torso for my height.

Also, sometimes I want to take off my harness but keep my 10mm on my chest. Might be too bulky under binos if you are using a revolver.. not sure.
I generally carry a compact .40 in my belt pouch in a leather sock type holster. It stays there until needed. The times I need it is when I'm approaching a carcass that I previously cut up or something else occurs where I need it. I do not need it on my belt while I walk around. Takes maybe 3-5 seconds to get it out and in my hand.

I'll wear it on my belt while cleaning an animal.

I live in the highest per capita area for black bears, and have all my life. I've never needed it in 40 years. But that could change.

Grizzlies are different though. But I still wouldn't, and didn't in the past, change my method or weapon.

I think your greatest weapon in the field is your smarts.

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I am a fan of belt holsters unless I am wading in water. Something you can move from pack to belt if needed. Chest holsters are not as quick for me. Also if you are knocked to the ground, harder to draw. Whatever you choose, train with it.
Stock G20 on my Exo pack belt, Amazon $25 Kydex holster- works great.

Packs great, and the draw is clean AND intuitive, its where I practice from.

Have you hiked any distance with a thigh holster? Try it for a long hike- I think it sucks.

I tried different chest and bino mounts- not instinctive ( for me) and it wasn’t as clean of a draw since the holster isn’t locked down tight and wants to come with the pistol. .
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Bladetech dropped offset's on your belt at all times. Does not overload the bino harness, can swap to other holsters for lights if desired and can be drawn wearing pack easily. No matter what you choose find a place where you can practice drawing and shooting. Get a pact timer set it to random and see how you do on plate at 10 yds with full power loads. 3 shot strings.
On my grizzly hunt, I had my pistol in my pack belt and brought along an extra holster with a paddle in my top lid that I swapped to when I was going on a stalk. Quick change and not a lot of extra weight, space, or cost.

Some guys use a cheap, soft leather holster on their pants belt, so it is already on them when they drop their pack. All they need to do is swap their pistol over.
On my grizzly hunt, I had my pistol in my pack belt and brought along an extra holster with a paddle in my top lid that I swapped to when I was going on a stalk. Quick change and not a lot of extra weight, space, or cost.

Some guys use a cheap, soft leather holster on their pants belt, so it is already on them when they drop their pack. All they need to do is swap their pistol over.
I bring a light simple kydex holster with a clip also if I forsee a reason to need the pistol with my harness off. It's crazy light and compact.
Having spent time in grizzly country in Alaska, I'd depend more on bear spray then a side arm. If you ever have to deal with a charging grizzly, the spray would be a better choice then trying to hit a 40 mph charging bear with a side arm in the middle of an incredibly stressful situation. Carry both, sleep well.
0.40 in marsupial holster for me. I used to have a thigh holster that would get snagged on brush. Chest carry kept everything tight.