Finished arrow weight

does anyone even worry about Calculating their momentum? Also does anyone that has shot both a lighter and heavier arrow notice a bigger pin gap or drop when shooting at distance?
Also does anyone that has shot both a lighter and heavier arrow notice a bigger pin gap or drop when shooting at distance?

this winter I did some experimenting with different arrows. Ranging from 375 to almost 500g. I have a relatively short dl, so my speeds are probably nowhere near what your getting.

The gap I had at the higher ranges was too much for me to do. I ended up getting a bunch of injexions that run me approximately 415grains. The pin gaps especially with the really high FOC arrows was just too much for me.

That being said it could be very different for you. Im shooting 275 with a 415g arrow...
does anyone even worry about Calculating their momentum? Also does anyone that has shot both a lighter and heavier arrow notice a bigger pin gap or drop when shooting at distance?

I do, Momentum is the only thing i care about really.

When shooting a multi pin sight i prefer to keep my arrow speed in the 280-290 range so that i have a clear enough sight picture/ spacing between pins. I can't stand having them stacked too close together. I am thinking about changing my first pin from a 20 to a 30 yard pin to help with this too. Shooting a couple inches high at 20 with my 30 will be no big deal even if i forget to compensate for it.

The 20-30 gap can still be a slight pain for me at these speeds.
this winter I did some experimenting with different arrows. Ranging from 375 to almost 500g. I have a relatively short dl, so my speeds are probably nowhere near what your getting.

The gap I had at the higher ranges was too much for me to do. I ended up getting a bunch of injexions that run me approximately 415grains. The pin gaps especially with the really high FOC arrows was just too much for me.

That being said it could be very different for you. Im shooting 275 with a 415g arrow...

Everyone I talk to seems to try and stay above 280 fps, probably for the reason you list here. I do know a heavier arrow slows down slower than a lighter arrow, so I wonder if anyong has Chronoed at like 40-50 yards with the range of arrow weights your talking about and seen the decrease in fps and if it is significant difference between the two?
415-420 grains this year. For the past few years it's been a 477 grain FMJ, but I'm planning on hunting more open country this year and I wanted to improve my trajectory some.
Finished weight 415 grains at 65lbs @ 270fps. Gives me plenty of KE & momentum and a good flat shooting arrow. Zips through elk like there made of butter.
does anyone even worry about Calculating their momentum?

I do.

Momentum, IMO is more important than energy. You can have high energy, and low momentum (and still lack penetration capability). High KE is pointless if it sheds all that energy immediately upon impact.

540 grain arrow in my compounds. They aint speed demons, and my KE numbers arent that impressive compared to the speed freak light arrow crowd, but my momentum blows most of the "speed freaks" out of the water.
You guys must all have 30"+ draws with those weights and speed!

70#, 430 grains, 305 FPS with a legitimate 30.5" draw and a bow that's rated at 325 for what the rating is worth....
I shoot a 27.5" draw, 70#, and run 450 gr arrows. I might switch to 500 for a bear hunt though. I get 274 fps on the 450 and 258 on the 500.

Having the correct spine is important too especially when adding high FOC. Thats one reason I dropped back down to 450 after working on it with Evan Williams