Finally using the Darn tough lifetime warranty


Jul 27, 2016
Finally decided to use the lifetime warranty. I’ve gotten some good use out of the socks for years but have a pile of worn out darn tough socks on the dresser. My wife has probably thrown away a half dozen pair to boot.

I felt a little conflicted about warranting the socks since I feel like they last very well. However I just logged into my darn tough account and noticed just on their site I’ve spent over $300 on socks, that doesn’t count buying them from retailers and it’s only about 1/3 of what I own. Anyway I’m going to send 6 pairs at once to them and see how it goes. I have a few others that are on the verge as well. The lifetime warranty drew me to the socks in the first place so I figure I might as well use it.

Curious what others do, whether they use the warranty or just figure they got their money worth after a couple years good use and just toss them and buy more?
Just mailed off three pairs a couple days ago, also my first time using the warranty. They should be arriving to them today. I also feel weird about using a warranty on socks when they’ve lasted me several years but it was part of the draw to them in the first place. Excited for a couple fresh pairs
Are you guys using the warranty on socks that wore holes in the heel or just on socks that have lost all of their cushion? I have a bunch of pairs that just aren't comfortable anymore due to the lack of cushion, but I wouldn't think that they would warranty those.
I’ve been looking at these but the fact you need to use the warranty has me concerned. I have some smart wool that are 20 years old and still going strong. They get probably 100 miles a year on them.

For the price of darn tough I wouldn’t expect them to wear out after 3-5 years.

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I’ve used it a few different times, just sent 5 more pairs in. It’s pretty pain free, once they get your socks they send you a voucher for the cost of replacement and then you can pick what you want off their website.
I have sent in a few pairs. My socks always develop holes in the same spot in my foot. Must be something with my foot. But the warranty has always worked and it’s pretty painless. I’m a sucker for companies that have warranty’s
I’ve been looking at these but the fact you need to use the warranty has me concerned. I have some smart wool that are 20 years old and still going strong. They get probably 100 miles a year on them.

For the price of darn tough I wouldn’t expect them to wear out after 3-5 years.
The only reason this thread exists is because they have a generous policy of replacing them after years of use. If they were smartwool they would have been thrown out (probably sooner) and no thread would exist.

I've worn through multiple pairs of smart wool where they got thin and seen through under my feet, this was years ago though so maybe they are tougher now? I haven't yet worn through any of my darn tough that I've been using for a number of years. Sure they will eventually wear out but they don't wear out quickly and definitely not quicker than smartwool in my experience.

If they are comfortable for your feet/use case don't fret it.
The only reason this thread exists is because they have a generous policy of replacing them after years of use. If they were smartwool they would have been thrown out (probably sooner) and no thread would exist.

I've worn through multiple pairs of smart wool where they got thin and seen through under my feet, this was years ago though so maybe they are tougher now? I haven't yet worn through any of my darn tough that I've been using for a number of years. Sure they will eventually wear out but they don't wear out quickly and definitely not quicker than smartwool in my experience.

If they are comfortable for your feet/use case don't fret it.
Older smart wools (10+, maybe more like 15+ years ago) are significantly better than the newer smartwool socks in my experience. The original smartwool socks, when they were about the only merino wool sock are the market were the best wool socks I have ever used. I use darn tough now.
Older smart wools (10+, maybe more like 15+ years ago) are significantly better than the newer smartwool socks in my experience. The original smartwool socks, when they were about the only merino wool sock are the market were the best wool socks I have ever used. I use darn tough now.

Last time I bought hiking or hunting socks was 20054 and they were smart wool. They keep on trucking. I keep thinking I should try something new as they are bound to wear out eventually. Darn tough has been tops to try. I was surprised to hear of someone wanting to exchange them after 3 years.

I’ll probably still give a pair a try.

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I have a pile of about 10 socks waiting to be sent back, they last well but these are all the running socks that developed a hole in the toe. I figure I have around $1k of their socks so dont feel too bad about sending a few back every so often. Around 5 pairs every 3-4 years seems to be my pace of send backs.
I’ve been looking at these but the fact you need to use the warranty has me concerned. I have some smart wool that are 20 years old and still going strong. They get probably 100 miles a year on them.

For the price of darn tough I wouldn’t expect them to wear out after 3-5 years.

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Some of mine are probably over 10. I wear them everyday to work plus weekends and a lot of hiking. I wear a different model (over the calf) for hunting and all of them are like new after 5 years and hundreds of miles. I put well over 100 miles a year in those, I think I was over 200 last Sept. I currently have about 25 pairs of misc darn tough socks they are all I wear. I’ve never worn out a pair of my hunting socks only everyday wear socks.
I use the warranty on every pair I put a hole in. Usually wares through in the front pad first for me. I have enough socks I just rotate through them. Costs a little to mail in but I think it’s worth it. I have probably sent some in 2-3 times already.