Federal New Cartridge

Federal is using a new technology to change nothing. What a waste. Imagine this, instead of making a backcountry round that’ll kick like a donkey in a backcountry weighted rifle, Federal used the technology to do something that takes advantage of the case to make a real innovation.

Think a lightweight micro action, 6 arc type cartridge, running at .243 speeds with srp primers and 30 grains of powder in a high pressure case. A shorter narrower action with a light recoiling cartridge. That would have been an actual game changer using this case material.
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I’m not one to get too excited about new chamberings but with Geissele and Seekins announcing rifles chambered in the 7 Backcountry, and Seekins indicating the PH3 is built to withstand these higher pressure cartridges because more may be coming… there may be a wider industry shift coming. I’m witholding judgement for the time being.
Federal is using a new technology to change nothing. What a waste. Imagine this instead of making a backcountry round that’ll kick like a donkey in a backcountry weighted rifle. Federal used the technology to do something that takes advantage of the case to make a real innovation.

Think lightweight micro action 6 arc type cartridge running at .243 speeds with srp primers and 30 grains of powder in a high pressure case. Shorter narrower action with a light recoiling cartridge. That would have been an actual game changer using this case material.
I would guess that there wouldn’t be as much of a market, most hunters have never heard of Rokslide and would have the same reaction most new members do here when they hear guys recommending 223’s and 6’s for elk. I could be way off but I think it comes down to what they feel there is a larger market for.
Federal is using a new technology to change nothing. What a waste. Imagine this instead of making a backcountry round that’ll kick like a donkey in a backcountry weighted rifle. Federal used the technology to do something that takes advantage of the case to make a real innovation.

Think lightweight micro action 6 arc type cartridge running at .243 speeds with srp primers and 30 grains of powder in a high pressure case. Shorter narrower action with a light recoiling cartridge. That would have been an actual game changer using this case material.
I agree. Couldn’t care less about a 7mm that barely beats out already stupid fast competitors. But a 6.5 creed pushing a 140 at 3k and works in already existing guns…
Whenever people who know better try to appeal to people who don’t by trying to give them a product they guess the fictional average dude wants it comes off tone deaf and disingenuous. Federal managed to make an innovation and fail to innovate. Backcountry hunters make up a small percentage of hunters but we sure spend a hell of a lot per capita and it’s money you’re after. Make it a 7 arc with 7mm-08 ballistics in a 4.5 pound mini action as a compromise to marketability.
Federal is using a new technology to change nothing. What a waste. Imagine this instead of making a backcountry round that’ll kick like a donkey in a backcountry weighted rifle. Federal used the technology to do something that takes advantage of the case to make a real innovation.

Think lightweight micro action 6 arc type cartridge running at .243 speeds with srp primers and 30 grains of powder in a high pressure case. Shorter narrower action with a light recoiling cartridge. That would have been an actual game changer using this case material.
An arc capacity with a 308 bolt face and a hybrid case 🤘🤘, there's the 6gt but I do like that 30 grain vs 35 grain range
If this new case material is so great and improves velocity so much why wouldn’t they just come out with a new ammo line that uses it to increase velocity in multiple cartridges? The “new backcountry express” lineup that promises 100+ fps for your all your existing favorites. Seems like that would fly off the shelves like hotcakes instead of another magnum 7mm.

Does it need a special action to withstand the higher pressure? Doesn’t seem like it does with all the rifles they’re claiming it to be chambered in.
If this new case material is so great and improves velocity so much why wouldn’t they just come out with a new ammo line that uses it to increase velocity in multiple cartridges? The “new backcountry express” lineup that promises 100+ fps for your all your existing favorites. Seems like that would fly off the shelves like hotcakes instead of another magnum 7mm.

Does it need a special action to withstand the higher pressure? Doesn’t seem like it does with all the rifles they’re claiming it to be chambered in.
It no doubt needs a modern action designed for those pressures. Because someone would shoot it out of their Garand or old slide action and not just out of new production bolt actions, and then kaboom!
I’m not one to get too excited about new chamberings but with Geissele and Seekins announcing rifles chambered in the 7 Backcountry, and Seekins indicating the PH3 is built to withstand these higher pressure cartridges because more may be coming… there may be a wider industry shift coming. I’m witholding judgement for the time being.
Agree 100% ^^^. There’s a niche, short barrels, suppressors and performance. I wouldn’t be surprised if 10-15 years from now the traditional brass becomes a thing of the past and everyone is shooting a steel case hybrid of some sort.
Agree 100% ^^^. There’s a niche, short barrels, suppressors and performance. I wouldn’t be surprised if 10-15 years from now the traditional brass becomes a thing of the past and everyone is shooting a steel case hybrid of some sort.
Yepp. Cartridges are always coming and going. Shooter preferences change. Someday everyone will joke that “only fudds“ shoot ELDs. It’s why wrapping one’s identity up in headstamps or bullet selection is silly. Just shoot what you want and enjoy hunting. Most all of them work.