Federal land and State animals


Mar 13, 2019
The thread about Colorado keeping OTC for residents petition got me thinking. All you people who keep advocating your “right” to hunt Federal land as much and as inexpensively as residents might just be shooting yourselves in the foot. Forget about the fact that residents pay all year for the infrastructure in the State that allows you to access the Federal land. Forget about how the cost of living may be lower for those living there. Forget about the fact that the laws and rules have been litigated and settled for years and years.
The thing that could happen and what you should be concerned about is the Federal Government giving the land to the States. or selling it off to private interests which is what can happen if the Federal Government divests itself of the land. There are a lot of politicians just salivating at the chance to do just that. If it happens, you will no longer be able to access the land for free and will pay dearly to do it.
Just be careful what you wish for.

Rant over ………………..
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The thread about Colorado keeping OTC for residents petition got me thinking. All you people who keep advocating your “right” to hunt Federal land as much and as inexpensively as residents might just be shooting yourselves in the foot. Forget about the fact that residents pay all year for the infrastructure in the State that allows you to access the Federal land. Forget about how the cost of living may be lower for those living there. Forget about the fact that the laws and rules have been litigated and settled for years and years.
The thing that could happen and what you should be concerned about is the Federal Government giving the land to the States. or selling it off top private interests which is what can happen if the Federal Government divests itself of the land. There are a lot of politicians just salivating at the chance to do just that. If it happens, you will no longer be able to access the land for free and will pay dearly to do it.
Just be careful what you wish for.

Rant over ………………..

The thread about Colorado keeping OTC for residents petition got me thinking. All you people who keep advocating your “right” to hunt Federal land as much and as inexpensively as residents might just be shooting yourselves in the foot. Forget about the fact that residents pay all year for the infrastructure in the State that allows you to access the Federal land. Forget about how the cost of living may be lower for those living there. Forget about the fact that the laws and rules have been litigated and settled for years and years.
The thing that could happen and what you should be concerned about is the Federal Government giving the land to the States. or selling it off top private interests which is what can happen if the Federal Government divests itself of the land. There are a lot of politicians just salivating at the chance to do just that. If it happens, you will no longer be able to access the land for free and will pay dearly to do it.
Just be careful what you wish for.

Rant over ………………..
See what you guys did. You forced @87TT to start drinking. And it’s only 10am! 😜
The thread about Colorado keeping OTC for residents petition got me thinking. All you people who keep advocating your “right” to hunt Federal land as much and as inexpensively as residents might just be shooting yourselves in the foot. Forget about the fact that residents pay all year for the infrastructure in the State that allows you to access the Federal land. Forget about how the cost of living may be lower for those living there. Forget about the fact that the laws and rules have been litigated and settled for years and years.
The thing that could happen and what you should be concerned about is the Federal Government giving the land to the States. or selling it off top private interests which is what can happen if the Federal Government divests itself of the land. There are a lot of politicians just salivating at the chance to do just that. If it happens, you will no longer be able to access the land for free and will pay dearly to do it.
Just be careful what you wish for.

Rant over ………………..
I knew Randy had a secret screen name.
I struggle with this debate. As a MI resident working in the auto industry I'm in the NR game for all things western (zero chance I'd do the CA auto thing) and am regularly bummed when I have to scratch off an area due to wyoming's wilderness law. I feel as though I am funding someone else's use of a federally funded resource (similar to landlocked public).

On the flip side I can see the R argument to preserve their local opportunities. In MI I can get 2 WT buck tags and an arguably negligent number of doe tags. I'd be lost without the ability to hunt every year at home and can totally understand the R argument that they want the same.

I don't know what the solution is, but the dogmatic "state owns the game so F*** off" and the entitled "we pay your bills so give me equal opportunity" don't seem great. Nor do I like the supply and demand argument which will continue to push hunting opportunities out of reach or into OIL territory for the average American (arguable already has).
I don’t think most NR’s are asking to hunt as cheap and/or as much as residents. We simply want the chance to do it.

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You haven’t been here very long, every time Co residents ask for more parity with the rest of the west as far as tag allocations go, a lot of NR hunters freak out and start rants about how it’s unfair or it’s federal land so they should get to hunt every year… yada yada
I struggle with this debate. As a MI resident working in the auto industry I'm in the NR game for all things western (zero chance I'd do the CA auto thing) and am regularly bummed when I have to scratch off an area due to wyoming's wilderness law. I feel as though I am funding someone else's use of a federally funded resource (similar to landlocked public).

On the flip side I can see the R argument to preserve their local opportunities. In MI I can get 2 WT buck tags and an arguably negligent number of doe tags. I'd be lost without the ability to hunt every year at home and can totally understand the R argument that they want the same.

I don't know what the solution is, but the dogmatic "state owns the game so F*** off" and the entitled "we pay your bills so give me equal opportunity" don't seem great. Nor do I like the supply and demand argument which will continue to push hunting opportunities out of reach or into OIL territory for the average American (arguable already has).
I appreciate this, this is all I ever want is for someone to be honest with themselves about how it would feel to not be able to hunt your back yard or hunt land you own, it is a real thing for lots of Co folks. Partially from giving overly liberal NR tags out
This is where I'm at too. Prices are what they are. It's the opportunity I want. I would like an archery and a rifle hunt each year. I have the time and funds, just need the chance. If I put more effort into some of the draws I'm sure I could do better.

As far as the land getting sold off. That seems ofmdd to me. Is that really something that is in the works?

Oh...I found a picture of @87TT

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I thought the amount of licenses are based on actual herd objective/status quo. Are they not? The overcrowding hunting argument doesn't really jive with retaining the current elk conservation population. This is obviously different for other animals. So if OTC licenses seized to exist for non-residents, would residents receive more licenses (for elk)? Or would they just move more wolves in to keep the current population constant? When I hunt CO I hunt OTC units mostly, and 99% of the time when I'm off the road, I don't see any other hunters. I'm sure that this is not the case for everyone.
We should just end NR hunting all together out side of LO ranch only tags and we should also eliminate caps on Pittman Roberston money. The highest 5 via the current formula should get 70% of P&R money

if your State wildlife agency cant survive with out NR dollars, sorry.

There now nobody can whine.
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This is where I'm at too. Prices are what they are. It's the opportunity I want. I would like an archery and a rifle hunt each year. I have the time and funds, just need the chance. If I put more effort into some of the draws I'm sure I could do better.

As far as the land getting sold off. That seems ofmdd to me. Is that really something that is in the works?

Oh...I found a picture of @87TT

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Damn, I wish I looked that good
It’s a waste of time/energy to even post about this. Anyone who thinks this way is like a flat earther to me, they are all trolling or at least the extreme minority. A flat earther might even have a higher IQ.

Now if you want to talk about NR being locked out of hunting WY wilderness, I can provide the pitch forks!
That don’t make sense to me either. Outfitter welfare. I’d sign that petition too.
It's the same argument for federally funded lands within a state. Locking out the NRs who provide federal funding is similarly state welfare.

I still think there should be priority for locals but think there should be acknowledgment/accommodation in the form of tags and access for NRs and the funding they provide for the land. Not doing this will erode NR support for those lands and could make your disappearing federal lands fear a reality.

Not to continue beating the dead horse that is WY wilderness, but it's a great example. I like the idea and experience that wilderness provides and would generally be opposed to removing that designation. However, removing that designation in WY would be welcomed by me as it would increase my opportunities (ideally in the form of wilderness study to remain non-wheeled access). Looking at my options in GoHunt I regularly get the "wow that hunt looks sweet and I can draw with x points" wait... "nevermind, I can only hunt 5% of that unit".