Returning hunting access to National Forest land in MS - Lake Okhissa


May 8, 2019
Many years ago now they built Lake Okhissa on Homochitto National Forest. In doing so, they closed hunting in the land surrounding the lake. I understand the reason to close it to gun hunting for safety reasons, but why not open it up to archery hunting? We have other similar lakes with hunting access via archery only(Natchez State park for example). I believe it's in the neighborhood of 3-4k acres of wooded NF around the lake.
I'm guessing this a Federal issue first, since it's NF land?
Anyone know how to go about pushing for this to happen?
Any particular groups that would be good for this like BHA or other?
I called the NF office there one time, but they were no help and the guy sounded like he was happy the deer had a "refuge" from hunters.