The copper price is up about 150% since the pandemic hit. Labor is higher, lead is higher, energy is higher, shipping is higher. I reload so I’m not selling any ammo, but when I listed bullets I don’t use anymore I listed them a little under current prices. I’ve found that selling for less than market value is bad economics, whether it be houses, cars, or bullets.
I paid 32,000 for my 2500hd 7 years and 90k miles ago, and they are for close to that now. If I would sell it, I’m not marking it down.
I understand the frustration, I’m the same way every time I want something too. Hell it’s was $3 for a small bag of pinto beans the other day, unreal. Bumped into 20,000 cci small rifle primers that I was out of, had to pay $89 for each 1000. That hurt, but that’s the way it is.
I have a 2021 GMC 2500 Denali that I paid $76K for last year. Last month with 20K miles on it the dealer offered to buy it back for what I paid for it!!!!!!! I asked him what it would cost me to replace it and he said, "Well that might take a little time to get one and I don't know what it will cost you."