Reload or factory ammo?

I started reloading because I couldn't find a particular factory offering I wanted for a hunt. Now, I really enjoy the entire process of reloading so that's a large part of the reason for me. I also like the ability to tune the consistency, accuracy, and velocity for my uses, plus using the exact bullet I want and knowing that my ammo has temp stable powder in it.

For my most recent cartridge, a 7 PRC, factory outfitter ammo cost me 3.40 a round and reloads are 3.97. Obviously no cost savings there, but we're also talking Peterson vs Hornady brass, Hammer HHT vs CX, better velocities tuned for my shorter barrel, and considerably better ES and SD. I'm sure the Peterson brass will out last the Hornady bringing the prices closer together as well.

So as far as this cartridge, price is kind of a wash, but I'm getting a better product for a similar price. Other cartridges save me money. As far as time, sure my time is money, but I enjoy reloading as a hobby and don't view it as a task or chore, so that doesn't matter to me like it would to others.
I reload most everything. Money saved is money saved. Usually just means I get to shoot more.
I don't really count my time in the cost. I'd rather sit down at the bench for a few hours over the week. Sounds better than sitting around watching TV.
Boy a box and see how it shoots. In my experience good factory ammo and PRC rifles work very well together.

You can also buy a barrel tuner/brake to shrink that group size.
I started reloading because I couldn't find a particular factory offering I wanted for a hunt. Now, I really enjoy the entire process of reloading so that's a large part of the reason for me. I also like the ability to tune the consistency, accuracy, and velocity for my uses, plus using the exact bullet I want and knowing that my ammo has temp stable powder in it.

For my most recent cartridge, a 7 PRC, factory outfitter ammo cost me 3.40 a round and reloads are 3.97. Obviously no cost savings there, but we're also talking Peterson vs Hornady brass, Hammer HHT vs CX, better velocities tuned for my shorter barrel, and considerably better ES and SD. I'm sure the Peterson brass will out last the Hornady bringing the prices closer together as well.

So as far as this cartridge, price is kind of a wash, but I'm getting a better product for a similar price. Other cartridges save me money. As far as time, sure my time is money, but I enjoy reloading as a hobby and don't view it as a task or chore, so that doesn't matter to me like it would to others.
What factory ammo is quality? I think it's tough to know, and it could change.

For example I notice a large difference between pre-COVID Hornady Precision Hunter 308 Win and post-COVID. I haven't tore up bullets to isolate the differences but they certainly shoot differently out of the same rifle for me.
I find it very interesting you said that. I have a .308 that used to shoot that exact round very well. The 2 boxes I bought during the COVID era shot awful.
When you find factory ammo that shoots great you better buy a shton of it. I can replicate loads precisely. With Vista up for sale who knows what's gonna be in the next box? That's my strategy anyway. I don't like buying boxes of ammunition for 40 bucks and printing two of them 3 in apart and being stuck with it.

A three shot group can improve youre bad. But it takes a whole lot more than that to prove you're good! 😊
Running the numbers is what caused this question. For my 7 SAUM I can get 75ish rounds from a pound of powder ($50), 75 bullets ($57), 75 primers (7.50). That isn’t counting ADG brass which I bought at a premium mid COVID at 130 bucks per 50 ($520 total) or redding match dies.

so $1.52 per round not counting brass or time into it. Obviously 7 SAUM doesn’t have a ton of factory support so factory ammo for that doesn’t make sense but if I were to rebarrel to something easier to buy. My 6.5 creed is cheaper but not by a lot.

I’m thinking long term not necessarily short term. If I paused purchasing components and funneled that money into buying factory ammo while reloading for the time being the finacial cost would be higher but the time cost in the long run would be less.
You should get well over 75 rounds from a lb of powder. I get well over 100.

7,000 grains/60 grains/round = 116 rounds...
I'm set up for loading for quite a while, but like others have mentioned, the recent price hike has changed things a bit for me. There's quite a bit of good factory ammo out there as well, so if it shoots well, buy it up. Factory ammo is the easy button for sure, but I do enjoy the process of loading my own.
I'm set up for loading for quite a while, but like others have mentioned, the recent price hike has changed things a bit for me. There's quite a bit of good factory ammo out there as well, so if it shoots well, buy it up. Factory ammo is the easy button for sure, but I do enjoy the process of loading my own.
Exactly. When I bought the T3 308 for this guy several years back, it shot plain old Fed blue box 150's and Rem corlock 150's damn near in the same hole. Bought a bunch of boxes of them. Still have them today. Started hunting out in SW Texas and shots were much father, so opted for some Hornady precision ammo for better BC. The best I could get it to shoot was 2.5 moa and that was cherry picking.

Started reloading at the start of the Biden administration and shortages because i wanted better BC bullets for those Texas trips. haven't looked back and load for all my rifles. But if things get really bad, I still have a good supply of those Blue Box 150's that drive tacks.
I reload to shoot more. Is it cheaper? I mean it has to be by now but im thousands of rounds in.... but im also thousands of $ in reloading equipment. What i like the more is getting any rifle to shoot good. Single digit SD, yup. The only rifle i can get to shoot consistently good was one that has physical issues with it.

Reloading has also given me the confidence to work on rifles. First it was bedding and stock work, now its rebarreling with a prefit.

Overall it was worth it for me, but im never thinking about how much work it would be to reloading. I just think that ok, im out of bullets.... do i need any more tools to reload more/better? If not, i just work on perfecting my current science of what i know.
I shoot factory ammunition. I haven't had a creedmoor chambered barrel (6.5 or 6) that hasn't shot factory hornady match well. So I usually buy 200rd cases.

If I move to the 6mm gay tiger I might start reloading, or just buy 2k rds of.....hornady 109 match