Favorite Adventure You’ve Done


Oct 18, 2022
Like the title says, what’s y’all’s favorite adventure you’ve ever been on?

I’m assuming for most here it’s going to be a hunt, but it could be a backpacking trip, trip to another country, life milestone, etc.
Best trip Ive ever made was 13 days in the Wind River Range (WY) with my 19 year old son. Off the grid, self supported, covered about 75 miles at high elevation, and fished our way through the whole trip. All those campfire evenings, working together on navigation, and side-by-side tent time were priceless. I wouldn't swap it for a dozen trips to Paris.
Wow good question. I've been blessed with a lot. Probably packrafting through central British Columbia on a river that had probably never been run and then backpacking over Mt. Edziza (an extinct volcano) is right up there with my favorite hunting trips. Actually I did a bunch in the Canadian Rockies for a while.
Went up to NW North Dakota last september to chase whitetails. got to see a moose for the first time and kill my first deer with a bow! pretty amazing experience out in that open country.

Hiking the narrows in zion national park with my wife was also amazing!
Best trip Ive ever made was 13 days in the Wind River Range (WY) with my 19 year old son. Off the grid, self supported, covered about 75 miles at high elevation, and fished our way through the whole trip. All those campfire evenings, working together on navigation, and side-by-side tent time were priceless. I wouldn't swap it for a dozen trips to Paris.

Winds are a very special place.

Buddy and I did a huge loop in the Winds with the goal of setting foot onto as many glaciers as possible in 2017. We summited Fremont and Gannet Peaks (1st and 3rd highest in the State), and traversed 5 different glaciers. We went in mid July, which is early for that country. Once off trail, we lived in crampons for most of it. Had a segment of 5 days once we left the main access trail where we never saw another human. 8 day trip total. For added challenge, we did manual navigation for the duration.


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Noun: A perilous and uncertain undertaking

I spent 6 weeks in a canoe northern Canada. Saw 4 people: 2 in a truck when we went under a "major highway" about halfway through the trip and two more when we snuck past a "town" 5 weeks along. Still has me convinced that there is no real wilderness in the lower 48.

"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." (but the author had an unsafe firearms handling incident, so...)

I'd add solo yacht racing. +1 @Phaseolus ... 35-ft is kinda small for that stuff, no?


Also, children. Definitely an adventure there.
When I was 5 I ran away from home. I could only pack so much in my red Jansport backpack, but I remember my Etch-A-Sketch made the cut. Headed to the playground and used scavenged vegetation, sticks and leaves, to plug up the open side in some playground equipment so I could have a little cubby protected from the weather (it was winter but no snow on the ground). Once I got the hole plugged up I curled up and took out my possessions and looked them over and mentally said goodbye to my family. I was a new boy now, unburdened by rules and expectations of others. I was only answerable to myself.

As the afternoon turned to evening I looked out and could see the warmth of the orange glowing light escaping the windows of the houses all around, and I realized I didn't bring any food and I was getting hungry. So I went home and sheepishly entered the house and re-accepted my old life, if only temporarily. I would make better plans for my next runaway. Still working on them in fact.
Most fun was riding the Trans-America Trial on my little dual sport.
Its coast to coast, mostly all offroad.
Did some side trips like blasting up Pikes Peak.

Also did an Iron Butt 1000 on the way home. Thats where you ride 1000 miles in 24 hours.
It took me just over 23 hours to cover a bit over 1100 miles on my geared-down KLX250.
I was running pretty much WFO, only stopped 11 times and that was for fuel.
Most exhausting thing I ever did but didn't have to worry about falling asleep as I was so uncomfortable lol
Over the course of 5 trips I rode my motorcycle in 49 states and 6 Canadian provinces. Flew to Hawaii and rented for the full 50. Never hurried but kept moving most of the time. Met some interesting people. Passed through places I knew I would return to again and again. Learned 2 couples on 2 bikes for 2 weeks is 2 much. But loved it anyway.

PS. Non resident motorcycle riders get flack also.