What pack does everyone recommend for archery elk in Colorado?

Exo 4k is “the” pack IMO, tried it on and love it, I also have several MR packs I’ve been happy with and an F1- main frame that I like for hauling things. But if I get a new pack it will be an Exo
First generation sjk on right. 2nd on left has a different style of cover with more buckles. I prefer the first Gen as it has pockets inside the wing flaps. 2nd Gen does not.

I have never wished I had another pack. Seen lots of different packs on the mountain and in camps.... I backpack in with this, including a small day pack. Only get this to haul quarters or full camp. (My bro is a gear junkie and got me the 2nd Gen while it was on sale).

Best of luck. There are tons of packs out there. Test out all u can. I like basic stuff and can't stand a bunch of bells and whistles that only complicate things.(Like the Kuiu bag that has 5 compartments and 10 buckles and weighs 5 # empty...)
I get not wanting a complicated pack, the initial ascent 5k is almost 6 pounds empty and I can't get behind that. I'd rather carry 2 extra pounds of food.
Did you even try to do a search? This is the most over asked question here.

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What pack do you run for elk?
As others have said, packs are a personal thing. Also budget plays in too. When I bought mine I narrowed it down to the mail players (Exo, Kifaru, Mystery Ranch, stone glacier). Then I ordered the specific pack from each that met my needs and put it on my cc. They all shipped in and I put hands on all of them and kept one.

For me that was the Exo.
I have Kuiu ProLT4000 and exo K3 4800

The exo seems more durable, but heavier, slightly more comfortable with a load, better all around pack for me hauling ground blinds and treestands(with bag off) when I'm in MS. I don't like or use their lid, it isn't worth the weight.

The Kuiu is at least a lb. lighter, hauls weight fine, I like the integrated lid, The stretchy pouches could be better. Haven't tried hauling a treesstand or anything else with it, but looks like it would be more difficult to do unless I left the bag on
If you are gonna spend good money on a pack, I think you need to add Kifaru and EXO to your list. My .02

I went with a EXO 3500 and may end up getting a 5500 as well.
I have used a SG 3300 and now Exo K4 5000 with good results overall on both. The 3300 was a little small for anything past 3 days but still worked well. Ultimately went with the Exo K4 for the larger size, some of the extra little features that they have and also I listen to a lot of their content so I wanted to support them in some way.

I did not have any issue with fitting either frame/pack to fit well for me.
Another vote for seek packs. They are using some really high end fabrics on the new stuff that blows sg kifaru and exo away, imo. Super tough and waterproof. The frame system is rock solid and simple. It’s worth a stop into the shop to try some out, but as mentioned it’s a personal thing. Gotta buy what fits you the best over material and features.

HPG makes cool stuff but I wouldnt seriously consider any of their packs for elk hunting, all four brands above would be a better choice. And Especially not the decker, it’s all straps.
I've been backpacking pretty regularly for the last 35 years, living up to a month on the trail (just so you have some background on the random internet guy). I've used a lot of packs over the years, going all the way back to the Lowe Contour IV (other old fellas will smile when they see that name).
I decided a few years back to get the best I could afford as I get up there in years, so I ordered 6 different backpacks, including Mystery Ranch, Stone Glacier, Osprey, Sitka, Erbelstock, and Exo. As always, the Rokslide folks knew what they were talking about, and the Exo was by far my favorite. (I know Stone Glacier has a lot of fans, but I found it to be a noisy ski pack without a lot of pockets). I returned all but the Exo and the Osprey, the latter I backpacked with for a few summers, but ultimately sold - it squeaked constantly.
I've been running the Exo K3 for the last 3 years and love it. My understanding is the K4 is even better.

Two tricks I've learned hunting with the Exo - the Kifaru Gun Bearer is far and away my favorite gun tote. I don't use a rifle sling, and this sucker is the fastest way to bring my gun into shooting position. Fits great on the Exo. Second - in addition to your game bags, carry a construction trash bag for the load panel. I've spent too much time scrubbing blood out of a pack, and a construction bag would have saved from a lot of blood.
Good luck in your search!
I hate actually hunting with my frame pack. I don't like the stays sticking up and catching on every branch or twig etc. Don't care for the bulkiness, etc. I'll generally hunt up to 20-22 days out of the season, and I figure most of those days I am not shooting something. So I like smaller, compact, light, just big enough to hold my essentials. Then when I put one down, I'll come back with the frame pack to haul it out.

However, when I do pack in for a few days I'll take my SG Krux with an R3 bag.