Favorite Adventure You’ve Done

With two other guys. SV Bravo, I crewed for the owner, a man named AndyB, awesome skipper. This picture is arriving in New Caledonia via Fiji, last stop prior to Oz.View attachment 837212
Fantastic! Would love to do a passage like that one day.

My furthest to date is Beaumaris to Pwllheli, 🤣

Bardsey sound was interesting, missed slack water by an hour and had wind over tide conditions and nearly turned back.


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My favorite is my recent trip to Montana. Nothing out of the ordinary as far as the hunt but it was my first elk hunt that my son came along. We had a challenging trip with high temps but ended up finally getting a response towards the end of the trip and called in a bull to 8 yards and shot it with a bow we built together.2C4EAEDE-D5EC-4887-A51D-7CB73F6D2B16.jpeg
My favorite is my recent trip to Montana. Nothing out of the ordinary as far as the hunt but it was my first elk hunt that my son came along. We had a challenging trip with high temps but ended up finally getting a response towards the end of the trip and called in a bull to 8 yards and shot it with a bow we built together.View attachment 837618
That’s awesome on many levels! You probably felt a type of satisfaction most of us don’t know… you both will reflect on that a lot for the rest of your lives.
Another one

Grandma passed away in November of 22 and after the memorial service in the summer of 23 my grandpa moved to Arkansas to live with Dads sister. My grandpa taught me how to hunt and fish, spent my formative years riding around with him chasing hounds, deer hunting and taking pot shots at quail and blue grouse with the "single barrel" 410. He and Grandma raised me from 12 till I graduated.

In the fall of 23 he came to hunt with me in Nebraska. We were hunting my inlaws place and a neighbors. The weather was in the 70s most days and there weren't a lot of deer moving. He missed a doe over on the neighbors earlier in the day and we decided to go check the inlaws. Walking through the cow lot out to the woods we jumped a doe. I missed her but we continued to the woods. We hadnt been sat down for five minutes when a doe, I assume the same one I missed, came bolting by with a buck on her tail. Grandpa nailed the buck on a dead run at 50 yards. Best shot I've ever seen. He's killed bigger muleys but this was his best whitetail.IMG_20231115_084633641_HDR.jpg
Swimming in the Red Sea off the coast of Somalia (war zone stuff) and having a whale shark swim under me from about 3 feet.

Namibia trip was pretty epic, long time ago 2005, shot 24 animals and drove almost across Namibia. Hunted in the Khomas and Kalahari.

Spent 3 years in Australia and we had a lot of weekend adventures that were pretty remarkable.

Drove the ALCAN twice, amazing adventure.

Hunted noe of President Titos hunting areas in Slovenia, pretty rocking!

I guess it depends.
My biggest adventure was a 2-month 1600-mile self-contained self-guided bicycle trip through Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. My brother and I hopped into on a plane with our bikes and a very basic map of SE Asia. We’d ride 50 or 100 miles a day, stopping in tiny towns that had a guest house for like $5 a night. Food was incredible, scenery was epic, people were amazing and welcoming. I think GPS and cell phones existed, but we were too poor/dumb to have them. We just kinda followed the few roads that existed and worked our way down the Mekong delta based on a prayer and dead reckoning. Too many crazy adventures on that trip to even relate.