Being camped in the "backcountry" is great if you're near where elk are. But way too many newbies think getting way back in there guarantees they will be near elk, when the opposite is often true. Then more time wasted packing up and out and finding elk somewhere else. On a 9 or 10 day hunt, that just wasted a couple valuable hunting days, and our intrepid explorers likely hiked past elk getting back in there.
As far as the hard chargers who claim to hunt 10 miles a day, only a handful of hunters are physically capable of doing that for more than a day at a time, and they are bumping more elk than "hunting". And by the whitetail definition of "bumping", that generally means they got spooked into the next unit. But it sounds really cool to tell the guys back home in PA, or wherever, "Oh yeah, we hunt 8-10 miles a day!" "Did you get an elk?" No, but we were bumping some every day."
Totally agree on PT prescribed by an Orthopod. I do sets of specific exercises prescribed for knees and quads, and between that and stretching and CBD-CBG, my former knee problems and stiffness are a thing of the past.