Yep, all good suggestions. Chaco, Bisti, salmon ruins, Aztec ruins, Mesa Verde, four corners. San Juan for fishing. A little further north and you can fish the Animas, Piedra, Florida, pine,Hermosa, La Plata, Dolores, etc. plus all the little creeks that run into these rivers and creeks.
3 Rivers Brewery, Si Senor, Los Hermanitos, Dads Diner. Then there are all the fast food places of course and the big chain restaurants like red lobster, chili’s, Applebees, fudruckers, outback, Texas Roadhouse. Best private Hamburger joint is Hometown Hamburgers, best chain would be Blake’s Lotaburger and there are about 8 of those. Spudnuts has good donuts, steak fingers, and hamburgers. Purple cow cafe is good. Lots of other places I can’t even begin to remember. Plus all the places in Durango.
If you are early enough then I recommend going to Bar-D Wranglers just
North of Durango. They usually close Labor Day weekend though.
I’ve lived here for 46 years and there really is a lot of things to see and do despite what all the teenagers say!
Also forgot to add Spare Rib BBQ Co. for places to eat and Serious Texas BBQ is in Durango.