Colorado Unit Question

Hunted 14 this year to help a friend. The amount of runners, bikers, hikers, and general tomfoolery that goes on back in there got to be too much so we left early. He wasn't willing to keep pushing for the amount of stuff going on. After the big run, there was nearly zero animal activity in daylight. We had a guy and his family roll into our camp and take it over too. 15 is about the same give or take. You can get into elk in them, just as with any unit but if it were up to me, I'd look for somewhere with less non-hunting activity.
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Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm continuing with the research on the units and hopefully by late summer we have our three options determined.
I can think of at least 4.

He's probably the single best voice for public lands and puts a positive face to the hunting community so whatever but I've also definitely looked up where I thought he was at.

The only reason I'd ever try to figure out where he was hunting is so I could avoid that unit afterwards. LOL

There is so much ground out there a person could never hunt it all in 10 lifetimes. I honestly don't worry as much about pressure anymore. Even in places with camps literally every 100 yards for miles down a road, I've been able to get away from other hunters. It's still nothing compared to what we deal with back east on NF lands during the whitetail or turkey seasons. Plus I've learned that elk are a lot more tolerant of people than I once thought. After I figured out that in a lot of areas, there are more people in their "turf" in the summer than there are hunters in the fall, it started to make sense.
I have hunted 14 twice and have also hiked, camped, and done backcountry fly-fishing in 14 about 6 of the last 10 years. It gets pounded by non-hunter activity until the snow is deep due to proximity to Steamboat Springs. Most of the transition land/winter range is private.

Beautiful country. I think there are better OTC units and I would not spend points here. I have moved on. 15 is already busy at baseline and is going to get pounded this year due to the fires as others have pointed out.