Face Paint, how Elaborate do you get?

Jul 7, 2013
Helena, MT
My wife will never let me forget the first elk I shot . Two bulls were running acroos the field right at me, so I did what I thought I should do. Two quick strips of camo on my face seconds before the first bull arrived. I was crouched behind a bush and couldn't take the suspense any longer so I slowly stood up to have him standing on the other side looking at me. I dont think the camo mattered, as he saw me moving. He bolted past me as I was in the way, the second bull I was ready. As he came past me I let an arrow fly and was able to watch him expire on the hillside across the creek. I went home and woke my wife and she didn't believe I shot an elk and started laughing at my face. She was happy for me once she stoped laughing. Every once in awhile she will swipe two fingers across her face to tease me. I haven't painted my face since.