Eye candy for the 2023 elk season

It looks like all of those bulls are in velvet. Is there any reason why they hunt them that early?
Yes. The one guide on that hunt called me to tell me about that bull. I asked the same question. Hard horned dark antlers are much nicer in my opinion. He said that those big bulls all rut on the reservation. They’ll move on there as early as August so it’s now or never. Can you imagine hunting the rez!!! But lots of those big one break off tines during the pre rut and rut.
Beautiful bulls, congrats to all of them

Yep, outstanding animals. Arizona does produce monstrous bull elk, for sure. All the units in Region One are well represented in the various record books. The "Alonzo Winters World Record" typical, killed in the 1960's, is from there.
AZ Commissioner's Tag: 458 1/8".

Are these last years tags or this years? Both bulls taken in the last few weeks it sounds like, but sounds like it's from the last year hunt?

The A3 post made it sound like this was last years tags (think they run 8/1 to 7/31 but am not sure).
Velvet spoils fast. Especially in Arizona heat. It can be injected with a preservative but it has to be done fast and right. I personally like hard horned antlers much better. I’d just have it stained.