2024 Wyoming elk draw trends General

Auction tags, land owner tags, guide set asides, or special high prices tags favor well off hunters over other hunters. That is exactly my point. I can afford it but it doesn’t mean it aligns with managing the resource for all. Set an even price that fully funds what’s needed to maintain and protect the resource. Charge everyone that price under the same rules. Like I said, it’s a step in that direction.
Auction tags, land owner tags, guide set asides, or special high prices tags favor well off hunters over other hunters. That is exactly my point. I can afford it but it doesn’t mean it aligns with managing the resource for all. Set an even price that fully funds what’s needed to maintain and protect the resource. Charge everyone that price under the same rules. Like I said, it’s a step in that direction.
Be careful what you ask for. Wyoming could sell all elk tags at 2k.
The special draw is not just for the rich. I drew special and am not rich. It is for people who want better draw odds. Still have to do your homework, because the $ doesn’t always buy you better odds.

My special odds were 100, my regular draw odds would have been <10.
Auction tags, land owner tags, guide set asides, or special high prices tags favor well off hunters over other hunters. That is exactly my point. I can afford it but it doesn’t mean it aligns with managing the resource for all. Set an even price that fully funds what’s needed to maintain and protect the resource. Charge everyone that price under the same rules. Like I said, it’s a step in that direction.

"Set an even price that fully funds what’s needed to maintain and protect the resource."

So you would rather have all the tags cost $1350 rather than 60% cost $700 and 40% costing $2000? Hmmm...

If you want a cheap tag move to WY. The tags are more than cheap if you're a resident. If you want the "luxury" of hunting out of state and then complain about the cost the F&G charges to maintain themselves and the resource not sure what to tell you. Don't think there a too many WY residents that feel like it's a rich person only game to get a tag here!

I also don't know a single person that does not acknowledge WY as one of if not the best wildlife managed states in the country. You get what you pay for.
The bigger issue is WGF mismanagement of funds. For example look at the new Cody regional office or the reports of building a warden a $750k home just to name a few.

No, there should not be a "special" tag for the wealthy. Thats just organized corruption - period
Is this the thread that is going to solve all problems associated with the drawing system? Finally! Glad to be in the right place.

So 40% for the rich doesn’t price people out? I said it was a step in that direction, and it is.
It sucks and I would have to say no one’s happy about it. But if you don’t pay, someone else will. They have us by the balls and they know it. Can’t really argue that.
The special draw is not just for the rich. I drew special and am not rich. It is for people who want better draw odds. Still have to do your homework, because the $ doesn’t always buy you better odds.

My special odds were 100, my regular draw odds would have been <10.
There is also an element of time in there...someone is willing to pay more to hunt WY more often...once every 2-3 years vs once every 4-5 years.
No, it does not. The special draw is called that for a reason. If you want to pay more, you get slightly better draws in some cases.
You can always apply for the regular draw or not at all….Wyoming doesn’t care.
The guys that bitch about $2000 elk tags are driving $50,000 pickups and their wife is driving a $100,000 SUV.

Priorities are priorities.

Someone complained that my fairly expensive rifle wasn't necessary yesterday and then I saw him get in a $50,000 truck.
But who really wants a $2000 general elk tag?
I burned my 4 PPs and went "special" and drew a tag. I'm not thrilled about the extra cost but I can afford it and will be 70 by the time of the hunt, so this is likely my last elk hunt. Certainly my last on horseback due to worsening lower back issues. That's a bit of a unique situation. Although I took advantage of it, I don't really care for the whole concept of a "special" draw and would rather have one price for everyone.
Am I reading correctly that one only needed 2 points to have a very strong chance to get a general tag? Compared to 4 needed last year?


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There is also an element of time in there...someone is willing to pay more to hunt WY more often...once every 2-3 years vs once every 4-5 years.
This right here nails it. Gotta pay to play and a lot can happen in the 2 year difference between getting an elk tag and hunting, or not.
Is that what I said? I was just stating the obvious. Didn't say it was right or wrong but I can say it is what it is and it's how things are going with no change in sight.
So it's OK for a gov agency to whore out a public resource for the benefit of a select few?

What a silly statement. It is certainly OK for a state agency to charge Non residents whatever they need to, or want to, for benefit the residents of that state. Keeping the cost of hunting low and providing the best hunting experience in the west like WY does! If you think the wildlife of a state belongs to everyone in the US, you're just wrong. Wildlife is held in trust for the residents of that state. A state then may give an opportunity for non residents to hunt if and how they chose.

It's very simple, if you don't like how a state treats non residents don't hunt there. Or just whine on the internet about it and see where that gets you.
There is also an element of time in there...someone is willing to pay more to hunt WY more often...once every 2-3 years vs once every 4-5 years.
This right here. A year is worth way more than the price difference between special and regular to me.
So it's OK for a gov agency to whore out a public resource for the benefit of a select few?
Yes it is.

It is a Wyoming resident public resource. This is the way the laws are written. If you are a not a Wyoming resident then you are not who the Wyoming model was written for.

It may not be ethical, but it is legal.