- Joined
- Mar 10, 2013
- Location
- washington
you packed anything out with it yet?
no blood yet.....season just started, work in progress. my confidence is there with it due to my time thus far, and speaking for myself i just like it, it is strait forward and simple, well thought out. i do not have to try and like it or question weather i do or not i just do, that simplifies my time by not having to worry about that part of my outings. i hear you though regarding not hauling actual game with it yet and understand how that is a factor and presents at times a awkward situation if not thought out...... the ovious is it is new to all of us so time will still be the real test, at this point i cant see any stitching failure in the near future. i have hauled similar weight with this pack that would replicate a meat haul, and yes in the mountains. no pack feels great past 80 pounds to me but the load lifters work and have kept the weight of my shoulders, its easy to move the weight around giving breaks to my body, with heavy loads i move the weight around as i go be it a kifaru or this... (for me) i like the system in general more than the kifaru set up i had. once again for me.....i like how the frame feels natural when wearing. the duplex i had i felt lots of frame, i wished it was more narrow and shorter. perhaps it could have been modified to fit but felt it was not ment to be for me.
my background comes from more of the mountaineering end of things and like a streamline design that is more narrow and allows freedom and more natural movement while crawling around the mountain and variable terrain as that is most of what my time consists of rather than hauling dead critters. this is an area where i think this pack shines. it compresses tiny. in the end it is a pretty cool set up..........
the one thing i think i would like better is longer compression straps on the back of the pack. would be handy in certain circumstance.