Exo Mountain K4?

If I had to guess, I'd guess the intent is to use the meat shelf for quarters and the bag for gear/stuff

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Even not for meat tho.

Its just better.

You can lay the bag open and just see get whatever you want. Vs trying to cram things in and out of a dark hole.

The stash pockets would be so much easier to use and find.

You could put stash pockets on the far side as well because you would actually be able to access them.
Sounds like you bought the wrong bag, you should have gotten the 5K, which has a horse shoe zip, instead of buying a bag that doesn't have a horse shoe zip and then complaining that it doesn't have a horse shoe zip
Are you talking to me?

I don't want a horse shoe zip.

I want a straight zip that zips all the way open.

Not one that dead ends under the lid anyways.
Hmmm...ok. Im repeating what you said so what does that say?!?!? Youre complaining that the bag you chose to buy doesn't have the features you want yet the same company makes a bag that will do exactly what you want it to do but blame the company when it was your choice to buy a bag with features that you dont like yet I dont know what Im talking about. You even said your going to replace it with the 5K, yet when I say that I dont know what Im talking about! 🤔
I like my Exo. But I’m also a bigger fan of zip designs that go straight to the top. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
Hmmm...ok. Im repeating what you said so what does that say?!?!? Youre complaining that the bag you chose to buy doesn't have the features you want yet the same company makes a bag that will do exactly what you want it to do but blame the company when it was your choice to buy a bag with features that you dont like yet I dont know what Im talking about. You even said your going to replace it with the 5K, yet when I say that I dont know what Im talking about! 🤔
The 5k is better yes.
But its not what I want.

You take it as complaining.
I think its constructive criticism on how to improve.
Exactly they type of thing that lead to the development of the K4 entirely.

So go cry in your mom's basement.
Why would I cry, Im happy with my pack choice
Good for you.
I chose to support exo again because I believe in them as people and the K4 frame is great.

All the bag designs are not my preference.
They hit alot of points.
But the horseshoe isn't what I want.
5k is not the size I want.

But the zipper on the 3600/7200 is long enough to be annoyingly under the lid and still a mouth hole opening.

I have in fact used a straight zip bag that zips all the way open, and from the bottom.

It is by far a much easier bag to use plane and simple.
If you don't know that then you simply do not know what you are talking about.
You dont get to tell me what is easier or better for my uses!! You know so much yet bought a pack you knew didnt have the features you wanted, are unhappy with it but then call my intelligence into question and say Im the one who doesn't know what Im talking about?!?
You dont get to tell me what is easier or better for my uses!! You know so much yet bought a pack you knew didnt have the features you wanted, are unhappy with it but then call my intelligence into question and say Im the one who doesn't know what Im talking about?!?
Just because you don't know something doesn't mean you are dumb.

Talking about things you don't know about is what makes you dumb
I know my pack works for me. I also know you willingly bought a pack that didn't have the features you wanted....pretty easy to see which one is dumb or not
I know my pack works for me. I also know you willingly bought a pack that didn't have the features you wanted....pretty easy to see which one is dumb or not





The pack works its just not my preference.
Why does my preference bother you so much?

I don't care if your preference is to share a sleeping bag with your buddy. I just prefer different things.
Then dont buy it!!! You bought a pack that wasn't what you wanted and then put it on Exo like they didn't design it right. The point is that its not Exos fault, its on you, that's what you arent getting
Isn’t the point of forums, threads etc is to be able to talk about products? What we like, don’t like, would want different and so on. Everyone is allowed preferences and opinions. Just cause it’s not yours doesn’t mean it’s bad. I think feedback is good. Helps companies in the future. Let’s them know what customers want in a product. To jump down someone’s throat because it doesn’t align with your ideas is stupid. Companies like exo do a great job with design and try to really think things out but doesn’t mean things aren’t missed or maybe their design met their interests but not the majority of the customers etc. between myself and my immediate family we have 8 full exo packs (k2-k4) and even more bags. They have been beyond great. With that said I have things I would like different. That personal preferences and use. Does it mean I should buy something else? I don’t think so. Still a great overall system and one of the best out there in its league. But if I could make some changes I would. With all that said I won’t be looking elsewhere. Great company and great products. The service and customer care is top notch.
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