I agree with most of what you said. But, you could do away with all of social media tomorrow and we would still have "influencers." Just the same as we did before social media. Look at the super bowl ads or any add on TV. Most of them included celebrities (influencers). We can go back to the old model and these influencers (actors, musicians, etc.) will all be 100% hand-picked by the heads of liberal media and liberal record labels. Without social media, people like Jocko and Jordan Peterson would not exist because their message does not align politically with big media. The youth of this world would just be fed what the large media corps pick and choose. That's a scary thought.
At the end of the day, like it or not, celebrities have influence on the majority of the population and especially the youth. Good luck changing that. The code was cracked, and the model was laid out well before social media was around. We can scream at the sky all we want, but the youth are not turning off the phones or the TV. People like Jocko, Peterson, etc who preach accountability, masculinity, and leaving the cave to kill something and drag it home are the silver lining in the social media realm (which isn't going anywhere) as far as I'm concerned. And their message has literally changed the lives of tens of millions of Americans. A message that would otherwise be obscure and non-existent without social media. We could argue if this country would be worse off or better if people were just fed the hand-picked garbage from liberal media corps without free speech (mostly) alternatives that social media has allowed. I'd almost say we'd be worse off.
It's always an interesting dynamic watching people on a social media site complain about social media. I think we all have people on this site we recognize as a trustworthy resource on certain topics. By definition, they would be influencers on this site. We're all feeding the dragon, so to speak. And I'm OK with feeding such a dragon when the message aligns with my values.