Equipment sales - buying a new tractor


Oct 25, 2012
Wanted to reach out and ask if anyone works in equipment sales or has experience in buying equipment. May be looking to purchase a new cab tractor. My dad is getting older and really needs a cab tractor with front end loader to keep up with 60 acres. There is just so much accumulating around there from lack of a good piece of equipment. His current tractor is a kaboa that is at least 40 years old and is a small 45 hp with no cab/front end loader. We had a cab tractor at one time but what a pos and my grandpa pretty much destroyed it over the years.

I live over an hour away with a busy schedule so getting stuff done around there is stacking up faster than I can get to it and it.

Currently looking at something along the lines of a Kubota M5 90 hp which would offer the lift capacity that can be utilized and be able to pull a ripper/aerator each year prior to spring rains.

I hate that these new tractors have def and regen on them…. I haven’t tried looking in the used department so I have no idea what the financing rates are and the price isn’t that far away from new from the glancing I’ve done. Kubota offers 0% options on new.

Just wondering how tractor sales work as far as pricing as compared to auto. Are there better deals if shopping around or is the price pretty much what it is?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. Do’s/don’s. What to expect. Etc.


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I will probably get a lot of flack for this, but getting something relatively new in the green or orange tractors was just out of my price range. We just purchased a 52ac farm(ette), so don't have a lot of expendable cashflow at this moment and the CFO DEFINITELY wasn't financing anything else at this time, and needed something to manage that. Was able to pick up a used (only had 13 hrs on it) Mahindra 2555 for a steal in my opinion from an auction house in central WI. 55hp and doesn't have DEF or regen - Mahindra has a patented McRD (from what I understand, just burns it off as it runs). Knock on wood I haven't had any major issues as it has only been 3 or so months, but has been able to do everything that I have needed it to (run a 6ft tiller, a 65" offset flail mower, loader, have a 5ft snow blower I have to test out yet etc.).
I’ve got a Kioti RX7320 that has been great so far (knock on wood). It has every option available and was still considerably less than a similarly sized base model of the big green/blue/orange.
For comparison, just talked to a Massey furguson dealer. Same size as the kabota, has def, no regen, weighs a little more and slightly more lift capacity on frenzy end loader. Basically same price as kabota.

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I work for an AGCO dealer; I would say proximity to a dealer and warranty are more important than the color or make and even price. There are a lot of programs for Compact Utility tractors going on (0% for 60, etc). Most of the smaller tractor brands are built in the same facilities overseas while specs are sometimes different a lot of the similar sized tractors are virtually the same.
Massey Ferguson 4707 doesn't use def.
The used market on the west coast is pretty poor right now and some great deals can be had at auctions.
Keep an eye on tractor house and Ritchie Brothers auctions
Can't help you on the pricing/haggling question, but I will say that if I were shopping for a tractor with front end loader, I would get one with a skid loader style quick attach and third hydraulic remote...those features would make for a very versatile do-all machine IMO.
Can't help you on the pricing/haggling question, but I will say that if I were shopping for a tractor with front end loader, I would get one with a skid loader style quick attach and third hydraulic remote...those features would make for a very versatile do-all machine IMO.

100% agreed!

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Dealership support is much more important than brand in my opinion. Ask around the contractors and ag guys in your area to get a feel for the best dealership. A competent parts and shop department goes a long way. As far as brands go I have been very happy with my larger kubotas although the newest one is a 14 so no experience with brand new. I’d also look at kioti, similar to Kubota but a little cheaper.
As others said, I'd look around and try to find who you think is a good local dealer/service center, then buy from them, but good luck. It's rough out there finding good support.

Anything new north of 75hp is gonna have Def, so you might look at 74hp equipment, or just know what you are dealing with. It doesn't bother or scare me, you just need to use it frequently and make sure the Def doesn't get old in the machine or in storage. That can be a challenge in some situations or time of year, but if it's not used that frequently just don't keep much in it.

Your financing rate on older equipment is going to be pretty high, currently it's hard to beat the 0% offered on the surface, but understand that there's a fair amount of cash rebates frequently offered too. So that 0% might come with a 5k higher purchase price.

I'm not too familiar with what's currently available in the market you are looking at, I have been impressed with Kubota lately, don't have any of their tractors, did pick up an SVL a year ago. I know of some older Kubota Machines that have had a pretty rough life and just keep kicking.

It was also brought up before, but a lot of the smaller tractors are basically same thing just different paint, especially green. They like to slap that green paint on all kinds of equipment available in a different color, then charge a premium. I think past 50 hp that market starts to become more independent, but like I said I'm not too familiar with that stuff right now.
I ran an open station 1969 Farmall 856 diesel with Westendorf WL-40 loader for 18 years moving snow, feeding cattle, mowing hay, spraying pasture, cleaning up down trees, removing and installing fence, etc. I think that tractor cost $8500 then and I sold it for $7250. Shoulda kept it but needed money to upgrade to something with cab and mechanical front wheel drive.

The 856 was extremely fuel efficient and a heavy, solid, low maintenance tractor. The same can be said about a John Deere 4020. I realize you need a cab, just pointing out that there are some great older workhorse tractors out there.
Massey ferguson 4707 is a great value in the 75-100hp range. Tuning can get the 75 up to 100 if you absolutely need it.
There are leftover 23 models with the heavy duty loader in Arkansas for $63k with free delivery.
I just went through this on a smaller scale and ended up with a Kubota L3560LE cab with LA805 loader.

I've been looking for a long time, and couldn't stomach the price of used 1000+ hour machines. This was a leftover at a dealership approximately 2 hours from me. The financing, warranty, KTAC insurance, and dealership network is what sold me on the Kubota vs others (Kioti, TYM, etc).

The exact same machine at my local dealer, in a current model year, was almost $7000 more. The same machine in a John Deere was $13,000.00 more.

All that to say I'm very happy with my purchase. I would definitely shop around. I also feel that the resale is better on Kubota and John Deere vs others - if that matters to you. I'd look hard at a M4 71-D. No DEF and a lot of tractor.
Find a low hour or rebuilt JD 4020D with a cab and a loader (not sure the specs on lift capacity though?)

They’re the Toyota tundra of the tractor world. Simple and bullet proof with plenty of power. Probably could write a check for one va financing
I love my Kubota, but a 4020 with a wide front in good condition would be my dream unit for farm work.

Given you won't be a close drive to help out your pops, I would make sure the controls and hydraulics are all intuitive. There are a lot of differences between brands. One example, my buddy has a 25 horse compact JD that is similar in size and output as my compact Kubota 23 horse. However, he can't run his belly mower and loader at the same time for some stupid reason. It has to be one or the other, and there is a hydraulic switch that has to be changed. So, just make sure that all the controls are understood and you know how to make changes.

My Kubota B2410 is a 2004, and I have around 1500 hours on it and have had absolutely zero major issues. Just change the oil and fuel filters and keep things greased. Follow the maintenance schedule for the other systems. I'd hate to guess how many tons of snow I've moved with that tractor or how many acres of grass its mowed. No def, no EGR, and no safety seat swtich. It's a great little tractor.
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