Kubota vs John Deere

I bought a new JD 4120 (43 hp) in 2012 for my sports turf business. I bought a JD because there was a dealer close. Tractor is unbelievably reliable. I run it at full pto rpm most all the time aerating. Only thing I've ever done to it is replace the water pump and battery. Starts easy no matter how cold. Manual says the engine is a JD but I have read its actually a Yanmar. It has a semi hydrostatic trans. Made in Ga.

It has a quick detatch front loader. Takes 1 minute to put on or take off. Front loaders are great for taking out fences and dugouts in 1 second of not paying attention20131028_175120.jpg
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thank you everyone. it sounds like either green or orange is not a bad choice.
The question i did ask myself before this started was finish off the grand slam with a mexico desert sheep or get a tractor. I guess i decided on a tractor.

wheel barrow won't be sold anytime soon. I need it to bring firewood into the wood shed, from where i split it. lol
First choice is the local dealership with best reputation

then <100HP = orange,

But all the sub 100hp tractor are similar , what every option you want at the best price, is where I would go. In sub 100hp, I have owned Case, JD, Mahindra, and Kubota. I prefer Mahindra

>100 Case and then JD
Not sure what income streams you have/if any are from your property, but you might also ask your CPA about depreciating it as well.
Tractorhouse.com offers nationwide looks at used tractors. I bought a low hours 2022 Kubota L3560 recently and it was $1400 to ship from eastern MO to CO. I mention that only because it saved me a ton vs buying new from local shop. I'll pay a bit more for implements from them for the relationship but saved a ton on lightly used with 95 hours and still under warranty.
I have a kubota L3800 that I use to maintain a similar sized property in PA. I looked at JD but the kubota was a much better buy cost wise. I’ve had it for 10 years and don’t regret going orange.
thank you everyone. it sounds like either green or orange is not a bad choice.
The question i did ask myself before this started was finish off the grand slam with a mexico desert sheep or get a tractor. I guess i decided on a tractor.

wheel barrow won't be sold anytime soon. I need it to bring firewood into the wood shed, from where i split it. lol

There’s an implement for that………

I’ve had this little B21 for nearly 20? years. It’s been more or less bulletproof with the exception of changing out the hydraulic pump a couple years ago when it got tired. I’ve worked it hard and pushed it beyond it’s intended capacity…a lot. It’s plowed lots of snow, carried hundreds of tons of logs and maintained my gravel road. I couldn’t be more satisfied with it…for what it is.
All that said here’s 2 things I’d consider.
If you think something this size will work for you, but you’re now quite sure on HP, the difference between 26 and 30 or 36 is minimal. 26 doesn’t require DEF…that’s big.
On the other hand…nobody but nobody ever wishes for less HP. If you don’t think you’ll be happy with 26 or less, then go big. Like something in the MX or L series.
Also…don’t buy anything without QC on the FEL and remotes front and rear.
I went through this 11 years ago and after test driving them all and asking why I should choose their brand I ended up with a new holland. It was a bit more industrial not flashy weighed a few hundred more pounds for a comparable 30ish hp tractor. At the end of the day I went with what I felt was just more of a work horse farm tractor. I went with an upgraded woods loader that picks up way more than it should. Test drive and ask questions
I have a JD 4044. They redesigned the radiator, damn thing collects dust and debris and causes the engine temp to spike and to force me to shut down and clean it out every few hours of use. Cleaning is not easy.
I live in high desert and am told we have some special weeds/dust that cause this. To me its a major design flaw. Dealer has been great to deal w though...
Whatever you do.. if it’s newer then 2014 do a google search on that model, year, engine for emissions issues if buying under 50ish hp and over 26. They make delete kits however it’s expensive and not for the average joe. I recently paid over full 2011 price for a 14 year old machine with 500 hrs in mint condition to avoid the emissions struggles. Our kubota L6060 of all years are good. Like I said before we have a ton of Kubotas doing various tasks. Any questions just ask.
Love my 3 series John Deere, Kubota is a good brand though and I’d look at both and get whatever is the best deal.
You mentioned your property isn’t flat? Tractors are pretty top heavy, and things can go bad real quick on one. This is one area where a skid steer excels. They’ll tear up what your driving on though, and significantly more expensive.
Kubota has always been the most tractor for your dollar, John deere might have better resale, but service and availability should be a big factor
Bota seems to have better resale value in the southeast for tractors under 100hp.
My 2009 mx5100 has been great.
I’ve got both 38 horse jd And a 70 horse Kubota I like em both for what I use them for vvvc but if I’m buying a new or used one I would go with a Kubota just my 2 cents
Just did the comparison between the both and bought the JD. I have had my current Jd with a Yanmar engine for over 40 years with no issues. I didn't like the treadle on the Kubota at all. I think the Kubota has a nicer transmission, the JD has planetary gears in rear end. Both have pros and cons. Both are good tractors. But I have many more Jd dealers who can service my tractor a lot closer than the Kubota place.
Kubota. Built more solid. I have had mine for 20 years now with zero problems/issues. Seems like the Deeres over time sound like rickety buckets of bolts. 2 friends are not happy with theirs.
I just ordered a new JD 5075e. I have no experience with it yet, but what I liked was no regen or def. Solid loader, big front axle, optional premium cab was really nice. I have a hydro kubota mx5400 as well that is a solid machine. I honestly don't think you can go wrong with any of the big name tractors in todays time. Figure out what jobs you plan on doing mostly with what implements and make it as easy and capable as possible with choice. My JD dealer is literally a few miles down the road from me and that swayed my decision quite a bit.